Chapter 7 : The Wishing Well

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"C'mon, guys! It's lunch time!" Granny shouted.

All of my relatives came to the dining hall and I just looked at them.

"Won't you join us?" My aunt asked,

"I'd like too, but my fiancé's still sleeping." I replied

"Sweetie, why not prepare one and bring him lunch upstairs? Eat your lunch together, we won't mind," my mom said

"Yeah, sure. I will, thanks for the idea, mom!" I kissed her.

I went to the kitchen and prepare some foods. Chicken, soup, fruits, chocolates, and anything I can pick, I put them all in the tray. I even had extra rice for both of us.

"You serious preparing him lunch?" My cousin Henry asked

"Yeah. Any problem with that?"

"No, not at all. It's just that, you never prepared food for anyone, except your mom ofcourse," he said,

"Well, nothing's constant. We will be married soon, so it's good to be prepared," I said smiling.

"Okay, as you said. Congrats, bro! I'll go back to the dining room," he said and left.

I carry the tray full of foods while nanny Leona carried our drinks. I opened the door and saw he was still sleeping. I asked nanny Leona to put it in the bedside table. I thanked her and she left us two.

I grabbed the remote and open the television to watch some movie. Cheesy films are airing yet I switch channel to find some horror flick. I stopped when I saw what's showing, it's The Conjuring. I quickly reached for the blanket. I love watching horror movies, but I am scared too. My eyes were focused on the screen when I heard some screeching sound. I looked at door but no one was there. I made my way to the bathroom to see if it's open but not. My peripheral vision got a sight of a shadow. I turn around only to my surprise,

"Boo!" Johnny suddenly appears in front of me

"Aaaaahhh! Holy shit!" I screamed while running to the bed and hides away with the blanket.

"Hey, it's just me. No need to hide." Johnny said laughing.

"Fuck off. I hate you for that," I said

"Hahaha. Look at yourself. Don't watch too much horror movies if you can't handle it," he said laughing again

"There's no such thing as "watching too much horror movie" dimwit. If you didn't scare me, I'm still enjoying the movie," I sassed

Johnny sit beside me in the bed. He took off the blanket and look at me,

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but whenever you're scared or troubled, you can always lean on me," Johnny said

"You really scared me. Like hell. I forgive you for that, but please stop doing childish antics," I said

"Can't promise that. Did you bring those foods up here?" He said while pointing to the tray,

"Yeah, I almost forgot that. It's our lunch. I just thought to bring it here cause you might felt uneasy eating with my relatives," I said

"Thanks. Well, can we eat now? I'm hungry," he said

"Sure, you eat first. I'll just change the channel," I switch it to find some documentaries,

"Here, eat some," Johnny picked some grapes for me. I opened my mouth, and eat.

"Thanks, but I can do that," I said shyly,

"C'mon, eat with me," he requested so I dine in.

Afte eating, we rest just by watching tv, then I remembered my cake.

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