Chapter 8 : Eat a bit, Open up a little

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It's dark when we made our way back to Timmy's house. Nanny Leona opened the gates for us, and asks about what happened,

"I tripped from a root, my bad," Timmy said

"How can you finish your cake if you can't stand up straight," she asked, opening the front door, but I saw no one. How strange.

"Nanny, I'm about to iced those cakes, I can do that even when I'm just sitting. I can walk now, it doesn't hurt that much," Timmy said.

I put him down when he said he can walk. We made our way to the kitchen where 3 cakes were ready. Timmy asks for strawberries, kiwi and already made icings.

I watched him while he's covering the cake with white icings. He looks so engrossed. He was smiling while rhyming a song. He looks so happy, I just want him to stay like that. Wait, what did I just say? You like him, am I right? A voice in my head starts. Yeah, as a friend, I replied.

"Johnny? Earth to Johnny?!" I heard Timmy called my name.

"Yeah, what?" I asked,

"I asked if you could get the knife for me, so I can cut those fruits but it seems like you just zoned out on me," he said

"Did I just zone out? Sorry. I'm thinking about my family," I lied. I stand up and get the knife and the chopping board for him.

"Can I cut those fruits for you?" I asked,

"Sure. Thanks for the help," he said smiling.

Why is that everytime he smiles, I always felt that burn in my chest. It can't be. I am a guy, and so is he. It's just a pretend, I told my head while shaking my head off the thoughts,

"Hey, you alright?" Timmy asked

"Y.. yeah," I replied,

He came near me and put his hand on my forehead.

"You're hot. Finish cutting the fruits and go to our room. There's medicine there. Rest if you want. I'll wake you up if it's dinner time," he said

"Y.. yeah. Thanks," I said, cutting the fruits as fast as I can. Why am I having these kind of thoughts over my boss? Geez. As I finished cutting, I ran upstairs and drink the meds. I should weigh what's bothering me. This time, I need my moms advice.


Johnny seems off since we came back. He just zoned out on me twice. He finished cutting the fruits so I just had to decorate the cake.

After I finished the cake, I asked nanny Leona to put the cakes in the fridge. My mom came and asked me to call everyone cause dinner will be served.

I go to each room and called everyone there. I even went out to the garden to call my uncles. I went upstairs to my room and I'm about to knock when I heard Johnny talking to someone,

"Yeah. I am starting to look at that person more than a friend,"

"I know it's impossible. That person we're talking about is too cool for me. Rich, popular, awesome, fun to be with, just anything about that person is so good,"

So, Johnny's seeing someone more than a friend, I told my self. Hey, why sound sad if he is seeing someone? Are you jealous? A voice at the back of my head. No, why should I? I reminded my self. But why did he say it's impossible? He is smart, caring, well... hot, charming and the way he smiles, wait, wait. God. I'm not supposed to think that way over Johnny. Why not? The voice said. First, because... Timmy, you're a guy. Second, Johnny is a friend. A very good friend of yours. So don't think that way over your friend. I answered my mind. What if, you're starting to feel something different over the guy? Makes you think, right? What if you are not as straight as you think? Woah. Wait. I need a break on this. I cleared my mind about these thoughts and about to knock on the door when it opened,

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