Chapter 11 : Remember Me?

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Sunday came too fast for my liking. I am too shy to face Johnny's family. Who wouldn't be? I mean, they didn't know he's in a relationship then all of a sudden, her mother receives a call telling her that her son is getting married... to a guy. See, where my sentiments go? I just wanna die right now, thanks to my mom!

"Tim, you ready?" Johnny asked me,

"Y... yeah," I stuttered,

"Relax. My mom and my sisters are looking forward meeting you," he said,

"I'll try. Are we there yet?" I asked,

"10 more minutes,"

The drive went silent then we came to a stop. He opened the door for me and I get off. He knocked on the door then it opened wide.

"Johnny~~~" I heard a girl scream,

"Hey, little bub! How are you?" He asked

"I am good. Where's your fiancé?"

"There! Timmy, come here!" I heard him shout so I came over.

"Hi," I said,

"Oh. My. Aaaaaahhhh! Oh. My. Oh. My. Are you my brother's fiancé?"

"Yeah, I am," I replied

"I am Gabrielle. Oh my. You are handsome. You look good together, oh my. Wait, I've seen you before. You are the one who called mom when Johnny is in the hospital, right? I'll call Steph so she can see how you two are," she said

"Yes, that's me," I said smiling. So, she remembers. I caught Johnny's eyes on me and I mouthed 'What?' and he just smile.

"Gabby, why are you screaming? Is Johnny already here?" I heard a voice from the second floor,

"Yes, Steph. You won't believe it, come on down! His fiancé is here too," Gabby said

"They're ecstatic," I said with a low voice on Johnny,

"I told you that they're looking forward meeting you, but you never told me that you've already met my mom before," He smiled that makes me relax.

"That was an accident that time. Today is different. I am standing in front of your mother as your 'fiancé', I quote

"Hi, I am Stephanie. Second to the 3. You are?" She asked while extending her arms for a handshake,

"I am Timmy," I willingly accepted the gesture.

"I remember you. You are the kind guy on the hospital," she said

"Yeah," I just smile,

"Mommy is in the back garden, come on! She's waiting for you," Steph said,

"Sure," I said.

We walk through the house then made our way to the back garden. It was beautiful. There was a small table and I saw his mother. Beautiful, simple and so motherly. She is preparing barbeque.

"Mom, Johnny's here," Steph shouted,

"I can hear you girls screaming from the living room, is his fiancé here too?" She asked,

"Yes, and you won't believe who is it," Gabby said,

I walk so slowly because I am too nervous. When all of a sudden I felt a hand holding mine. I looked up to see it's Johnny. Am I that dozed off to not notice him coming my way?

"I think it's better if I hold your hand. Ow, your hands were cold. Don't be nervous," he said,

"I'm relaxed now. Thanks," I said which is true. Maybe his presence make me feel more relaxed.

We walk side by side when he suddenly stop. I look back and asks him why, when he suddenly kiss me on the lips. It's just a smack but it sent shivers to my spines.

"Goodluck kiss for you," he said then rush off to where his mom is, how childish!

"Hi, mom! I missed you!" I heard him said,

"Johnny, you've been away for just 2 hours," she said that makes me laugh. It caught her attention,

"Oh, is he your fiancé, Johnny?" She asked,

"Yes, mom. I guess you've known him before. My fiancé, Timmy Xu," he said proudly,

"Good afternoon, ma'am," I said,

"Oh, too much formality Timmy. Just call me Trisha. I hope you don't forget my name," she smiled,

"I didn't forget it, I am just shy caling you Trisha," I replied,

"Oh, such a good boy. Come on, have a seat. This barbeque will be done soon," she said that makes us all sit.

We talked while we were eating. Asking how we've met after the accident again, how I became his boss. How did we became a couple, and why Johnny kept it a secret.

"Because I thought you'd disown me, seriously mom," Johnny replied,

"No. I won't. What made you think of that? Love is love. We can't choose who we love," she said smiling,

"You're not angry?" Johnny asked,

"Not at all, honey. When I met Timmy before, I had this feeling that he is a good guy which I have proven true. So if you two are getting married, I knew that the both of you will be a good couple. Though some may keep their brows raised, just ignore them," she said,

"Thank you, mom Trisha," I said blushing,

"Ooh, he blushed," Gabby cooed at me,

"Timmy, would you stay the night here?" Trisha asked,

All eyes were on me, should I?

"Sure, but me and Johnny will leave early because we have a meeting with our wedding planner," I said which is true,

"It's alright. Do you want to watch movies later? What genre do you like?" Steph asked,

"Oh, I love movie marathon. Do you have horror movies?" I asked,

"No horror movies, you're scared," Johnny teased and I just stick my tongue out.

"Yeah, we have horror movies," she said.

"Timmy, I have something to show you," Gabby came to my side and gave me a photo album,

"This was Johnny's album, take a look,"

Johnny was so embarassed at that moment which made us all laughing. Mom Trisha told us the stories behind every picture. I even see his picture in baby suit that had me laughing and earned a poke on my side.

Evening came and after we eat, we rushed to the living room and watched those horror films. Me and Johnny were seated on the long chair while mom Trisha went to bed early. Gabrielle and Steph went to bed early too, after watching 2 movies, that left us two.

"Still watching?" Johnny asked,

"Yeah, you sleepy?" I asked,

"Not yet,"

I felt sleepy then I rest my head on his lap while watching the 3rd movie.

"After this movie, we'll sleep," I said,

"As you said, dear fiancé," he said laughing while touching my hair. Geez. It makes me so sleepy.

"Don't touch my hair. It makes me sleepy. You won't like it if I drool on your pants," I said,

"Nah. It's okay. I'll carry you to my bed if you fell asleep," he said laughing,

"Whatever," I said continuing watching the movie. But seriously, I'd like that to happen, I silently prayed.

Geez, Timmy. Watch the movie. Don't think of anything like that!

Well, dear brain, maybe if I accidentally fell asleep, I'll have the prettiest dream!


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