Chapter 4 : Hired

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"Mom, is my hair alright?" Johnny asked his mom.

"Honey, you'll be fine. You can make it. I believe in you."

"What if I am not that good? What if my credentials don't impress him?" He said.

"Stop doubting. Everything will be alright. Now, go. He will not be impressed if you came late. Go, go." His mom shooed him away.

"Bye, mom! See you later!"


I just finished a conference meeting when my secretary came in,

"Sir, applicants came and are waiting now in the lobby. I will collect their resume's for the interview,"

"Okay, thanks Lily, but can you accept only 10 applicants for now? My mother will pay me a visit later, I wanna go home early," I said.

"Of course Sir Tim, you're the boss here," she smiled.

We walked out of the conference hall when I saw a familiar face. My staffs are crowding him and talking to him. Wow, they interviewed him first. It's Johnny. I heard him answer most of their questions politely and with a smile.

"Lily, can I have the resume's," I shouted, making Johnny turn his head to my direction and smiled. That smile though, I scolded myself for that remark.

Lily handed me the resume's. I went to my office and started calling each applicant.


"Hi, what's your name?" A woman in early thirties asked.

"Johnny," I replied with a smile.

"My name's Theresa. That's Jaimie, Rachel and Vicky." She said while pointing the other girls. "Are you an applicant or our boss' friend?" She asked.

"I am an applicant"

"Oh, there's Lily, boss Timmy's secretary. Guess Sir Tim will go out of the conference area,"

"Can you tell me more about Timmy?" I asked.

"Our boss? He is cool, but aside from Lily, he doesn't know almost everyone working here. He was either in the conference room, or in his office," Jaimie replied.

"And a mama's boy," Vicky chuckled.

"Is he strict or even a grumpy boss?" I asked.

"No, he wasn't. He works hard but when he is stressed, he goes home early," Rachel replied.

"This company was built when he was still 20. Who knew it would be a success. I've been here since day 1 and I never saw him angry at his staffs." Theresa added.

"What brought you here anyways?" Vicky asked.

"A friend of mine asked me to apply here. He said there's an opening so, I grabbed the opportunity to apply," I said. Never letting them know that it was Timmy I am talking about.

"Lily, can I have the resume's" a voice shouted. I looked to the direction where it came only to find Timmy standing in his office door. I gave him a smile, acknowledging his presence.

I gave my resume to Lily, and the girls where now back to their seats and working. There's only 10 applicants, and I am the youngest. I am the last applicant to be called so I am very nervous.

"Johnny Huang!" Lily called my name.

I stand up and went to her. She smiled and open Timmy's office.

"Good luck. Impress him" she whispered. I smiled and gave her a nod.

"Johnny," he asked.

"Yes," I replied nervously.

"Don't be nervous. I don't bite," he smiled. His smiles stirs up something inside me. I don't know if it's good.

"So you're only 24. A graduate of Business Management with honors, but works in the library as a book keeper? Why?" He asked.

"My father died while I am in 3rd year college. He left us without any money, so I worked in the library part time, so that me and my family will have something to eat. I had many jobs before. I tried them all hoping it would pay me more. I passed my resume to other companies as soon as I graduate, but no one called. That's the reason behind it," I said.

"I am impressed with your credentials. Honestly, you can be a manager, not as a clerk that you're applying for," he said while still skimming my resume.

"But I am still new, it would be my first time being a manager," I said.

"Don't worry. I will put you in Sales Department. I had this gut feel that someone is stealing from me, so I need a trustworthy person there," he smiled.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Of course I am. And about your salary, is 50,000 CN¥ enough? Or a bit low?" He asked puzzled. Like seriously?

"I.. I don't know. Isn't that too big for a salary?" I asked.

"I don't know either. You are hired, so take it or leave it?"

"Seriously? Of course I will take it," I shouted happily and I saw him extend his hand for a handshake but since I am too happy, J hugged him.

"Oh," Timmy said. Maybe surprised to what I just did.

"Congratulations," he added. Tapping my back for assurance.

"Yeah. Thank you. Thanks a lot," I said, still hugging him when we heard the door busts open.

There stood a woman in his early 40's.

"Oh my God, Timmy! Is that it? The one your talking about in the phone whenever I asked you to date someone? You didn't told me you're into guys," the woman started.

"Mom, it's not what you think," Timmy replied.

"But I just saw you too hugging each other. Oh my, did I interrupt something?" She asked politely which makes me blush.

"No, mom," Timmy said.

"Look, he's blushing. Tall, dark hair, good looking, chinky eyes, nice body, and hot. All of your descriptions fit. I can't blame you. You should've told me earlier that you like guys so I don't let you date those girls before," she said. "Hi, handsome, my name's Helena, Timmy's mother," she laid her hands.

"I am Johnny Huang. Pleased to meet you, maam," I replied while shaking her hands.

"Mom, can we finish what we're doing first?" Timmy asks.

"Sure, baby. Go on. Don't mind me, Johnny. Take good care of my baby," she said while closing the door.

"Geez, what a mess," Timmy said.

"Hey, did you just describe me to your mom?" I asked.

"Of course not. It's just coincidence," he replied.

"So you're into guys?" I asked.

"No. I like boobies," he replied.

"But you described me to your mom," I tease him.

"I am describing my girl crush back in college," he replied. "Back to what we're talking about earlier, Lily will show you your workplace. I'll ask Mr. Yu to assist you since you are new. You can go now. Congratulations," he said.

Lily came in and received a death glare from Timmy.

"Lily, please show Mr. Huang his workplace. Sales Department. Remember to cancel my afternoon loads. I'm going now," Timmy added.

I go out together with Lily. We are going to my workplace. I've never been this happy in my whole life.

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