#9 A little fight

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        You people made me happy! I got 6 votes and 3 comments! I know it's realy less but it still made me happy! Can we increae the number by 2 as we increase the number of chapters? Thanks!

       And I reached 53 votes! I'll update the next chapter when I reach 70 votes! Please? I mean I should have 75 votes in 9 chapters! And I work so hard to write such long chapters! And plus, this chapter has action and fighting!

       Anyways, here's chapter 9 for all my LOVELY demigodly readers!

      ps... is demigodly a word? IDC if it isn't! Leo doesn't and hence, nor do I! xD

       Chapter 9: A little fight

       Shelby's POV

      I woke up feeling very happy, for some reason. I don't think it was because of my victory (not really) last time, but I didn't bother thinking about it much. I mean, its not a sin to be happy, is it?

        I got out of bed and dragged myself to the washroom. One thing I had learnt in my life was that if you're trying to impress someone, you should always be puctual.

       I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I wonder if any of these monsters bathed. Somehow, I doubted it.

       After I was ready, I grabbed my new sword, the one that Leo had given me. I felt a guity feeling rise in my chest, thinking about him. I felt like I had started betrayed him.

        I pushed those feelings away and started walking towards the practise ground. There was one, right?

        Just as I was walking towards where I thought the other monsters would be, I realized that I hadn't yet ever practised fighting. Except for that one time I had battled with Leo. But that was really counted because Leo wasn't very good at sword-fighting.

         But I shouldn't worry about that, I mean we practise so that we improve, right? And if I battle against Camp Half Blood, then I would battle against Leo. I would make sure of that.

        I examined my sword, trying to search for the camera Leo had insirted in it. I wondered if it was correct to be a spy. I mean, you shouldn't spoil others' plans for your benefits, right?

         I scolded myself for thinking about all this so much and tried to forget about it. The more I would think about Leo, it would make me guiltier, hence, I wouldn't think about him. Though, I didn't know why I felt guilty. I wasn't doing anything wrong, was I?  But I guess I had to chose between two people I loved -- My boyfriend or my father.

         Anyone who didn't know who each of them were, would chose Kronos because for everyone 'family' comes first, unless thy didn't have a good relationship with their family.

        I entered the large room where there were bodies and statue's of people lying around, broken or bloodied. I winced looking at the bloodied one's but ignored them and walked upto the statue's.

         Remembering the few techique's I learnt by looking at the others fighting, I attacked the statue. I slashed at it and kicked it, then I bent and rolled out of the way of the statue and pretended to snatch the statue's sword.

      I kept on repeating the same thing, again and again, then in between when I was bored of the same technique, I would think of a new one and begin attacking the statue in that way.

      About what seemed like a really long time, I stopped practising because along with my hands and legs, my butt was paining too. I sat down on the ground to catch my breath.

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