#14 The final war. [Part 1]

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The last chapter guys :'( Well, I'm not that sad because I'm proud of my work! Hehe... though I don't know if you guys are happy or sad. Only two votes on the previous chapter, so...

It made me kinda sad, but oh well...

Chapter 14: The final war.

Leo's POV

By the time every camper, dryad and satyr were informed, my "Keep An Eye On Shelby" satelite moniter had started beeping loudly. I ran to the forge and retrieved the machine from my shelf in the forge.

I brought it outside to where everybody was assembled and showed it to Chiron and Mr. D. The monitor was showing an army of monsters led my Kronos marching down the road.

"They are going to walk all the way here?" I asked bewildered. My question was answered when Kronos pulled out a glass globe kind of thing and threw it into the air in front of him. "A portal," I muttered, surprised.

Chiron nodded gravely. The globe smashed against something in the air and the shattered glass turned in a cloud kind of thing, mid-air. Kronos entered it first; as soon as his finger tips touched the portal, some invisible force pulled him inside.

After him, the monsters started entering the portal. For some reason, I couldn't get myself to stop staring at this transportation.

"Look, they're here," Percy pointed at the Camp enterance. Kronos was standing there, a flask in his hand, a pink colour liquid filling it till the brim.

"What's that pink thig?" I asked. "And please don't tell me it's poison," I added.

Percy turned to me. "And what if I do say it's poison?" he said.

I shook my head in mock disappointed. "Then I'll say, "What's wrong with humanity, now-a-days" " I said.

"Well, Kronos isn't exactly human, but yeah."

"The hunters are on their way," Annabeth said, as she ran towards us. "And everyone is almost ready. And we have bad news. Kronos has surrounded us from all sides. Also, the poison in his hand has the power to destroy the shield protecting the camp. We can't let him do that or it won't be good," she said.

"How do you get so much information so fast?" Percy asked. "It's amazing."

"I'm the daughter of Athena, remember? Anyways, I have a plan. Fighting on the ground is one thing. But it will take time. We must attack by air. Well, not exactly. It should look like we're attacking by air but actually it'll be by ground," Annabeth said.

"And how will that be?" I asked, though I hade the vaguest idea how we could do it.

"We throw stuff - like greek fire or knives or something - from the ground, so that it flies to the other side and attacks the monsters from the top. But we need machines that will be able to throw the weapons that far. And also we need weapons that will get self destroyed after use. Otherwse, they'll use it on us, to kill."

"I have an idea," I said, immediately after Annabeth stopped speaking. "We need large towers and self-destructing weapons. Well, not exactly that way, it can be, but that would great. And useful. Not many would be need and..."

"Leo, stop muttering to yourself and tell us something," Percy said.

"I've got to. We have a little too much work to do. Hold Kronos off till we work on the towers. I think I can see his whole has arrives and he's going to pour the liquid," I said and started running away, not waiting to see what they would do next.

I ran to the forge where my siblings where hammering and burning and forging weapons. "Everyone!" I shouted and they stopped working immediately. "We need to build towers. Towers that can throw stuff. Ten metres, celestial gold coating and bendable. Also, we need a lot of greek fire. One third of you, work on the tower, one third of you search for a LOT of greek fire and the rest make flying weapons that turn back towards us once they stab the monster it's supposed to stab."

While everyone got to work, I started completing the machines they were working on. All of them were almost complete, only a little of each was left. As I finished a machine, someone came and took it for war.

By the noise outside, the war must have started. Hopefully, the shield would still be solid. I knew it that it would collapse but it should be up for now, till we finish building everything.

A few seconds later, I heard a group of female cry of battle and knew it that the huntresses had arrived. I started working faster on the mechanical animals.

-Percy's POV-

Leo stopped muttering to himself and ran away. "That boy," I muttered. "EVERYONE!" I screamed. "To the enterance! Ready your weapons!"

All of us picked out weapons and ran to the enterance. Kronos was about to pour the pink liquid. I bent down to Mrs. O'Leary's height (She had come and stood beside me; bless the hound).

"Go and jump on Kronos so that the flask falls from his hand and it leaks out somewhere else," I whispered to her, quickly. She gave a single bark and started running towards Kronos.

"Circle the camp borders. They're surrounding us from all sides," I ordered the demigods. Most of them dispersed and all the cabin leaders stayed behind (Connor and Travis both stayed) to protect this area.

Chiron had gone to call his party ponies. He had left when Kronos and his army were just arriving through the portal, so that Kronos did not know that he was gone. And Mr. D had teleported to Olympus to inform the other Gods. (Just because they were gods, doesn't mean they had to know everything going on in the Godly world)

Mrs. O'Leary jumped on Kronos just as he poured the pink liquid. The liquicd flew and splattered a few monsters and the rest fell on the ground. But, thankfully, none of it on Thalia's tree.

Mrs. O'Leary barked and then ran back. When she ws by my side again, I bent down and patted her head. "Good girl," I muttered.

Kronos laughed. His voice echoed in the woods, even though no voice has ever echoed before, here. "You really think, I am that stupid, Jackson?" he barked, a smirk etched on his face.

"Yes, actually. I did!" I shouted back. I actually did. Though I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You fool!" he screamed. As soon as he said that, spoke started coming out of the ground.

"What in the name of Hades," somebody muttered.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning my head from right to left.

"It's the poison," Annabeth said. "It's doing somethi-" a loud screeching sound followed by a tearing sound boomed in the air.

Next minute the smoke cleared and a sight of the monsters tearing the shield appeared in front my eyesight. "Oh, Styx," I cussed.

I looked around to see that monsters were tearing the protective shield everywhere. There were many more monsters than I thought there were.

I looked back in the front. "Attack!" I yelled.

Everyone ran foward, their weapons raised. Kronos just stood there, smiling evilly, battle going on around him.

"Percy, go after Kronos. We'll take care of the monsters," Annabeth yelled and charged foward. I jogged foward, towards Kronos. Just then, I heard a female cry of battle and a group of girls ran past me, bow and arrows in their hands.

I ran faster and jumped in air when I was a little away from Kronos and jumped on him, my sword raised.

Well, I tried to jump on him, but he raised his hand and punched me aside. Luckily, I landed on my feet. I growled at him.

"Foolish boy," Kronos scowled. He raised his hand and turned it a little towards the right. He was reducing the speed of time.


Then he raised his sword hand. I tried running away, but Kronos was faster (obviously). He raised his hand and brought it at level with my stomach and pushed the blade through it. I felt blood leave my body and flow out.

I fell on the ground, Kronos' evil laugh echoing and hurting my brain.



PERCY IS HURT! :O OH MY GOD!!!!! Will he die? Well, he IS stabbed in his stomach! Now, don't be so sad, people ;)

I'll update soon... Maybe. :P Oh and read Sally_LovesHarry 's stories and imagines! they're awesome!

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