The comparison

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That's what he had told himself, at least. And yet over the next few days, Adrien hadn't been able to shake the twin memories of the flour-spotted girls. Now, as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop in the damp night, he stole yet another sidelong glance at the hero beside him.

Marinette and Ladybug were about the same height. He couldn't tell for sure—he had never been paying close enough attention any time Marinette had stood next to him. But if he had to guess, they were probably within an inch or two of each other.

And their hair. They even wore it the same way.

Which means nothing, Adrien told himself. Tons of girls look up to Ladybug. It's quite possible that she brought pigtails back in style. Honestly, it could be have been that Marinette had purposely modeled her hair style off of Ladybug. For all he knew, perhaps she harbored a secret adoration of the hero.

And their blue eyes...

Coincidence, Adrien repeated firmly for the millionth time. Quit trying to draw connections that aren't really there.

Adrien trailed Ladybug as she jumped a small alley, then came to a stop on the slick roof beyond. "Sorry, do you mind if we take a quick break?" she asked, bending over with her hands on her knees.

"Of course," he said hurriedly, watching her with concern. Come to think of it, she did seem to be breathing heavier than normal. "Are you alright?"

She waved him off, pushing herself back upright. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been a little overworked lately. Things have been insanely busy with the holiday coming up."

Adrien's heart leapt into his throat, and he struggled to keep his breathing even. No big deal. Practically everyone gets busy around the holidays.

"Should we quit early tonight?" he asked, still keeping a wary eye on her in case she was pushing herself too hard. "Things still seem pretty quiet."

"Nah, we're almost done anyway. I just need a moment." She glanced at him, then smirked and added, "Really, Kitty, I'm fine. No need to hover."

He threw up his hands in mock defense, shrugging as he gave her a small grin. "When things get busy, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself," he told her. "A second pair of eyes never hurts."

"I'm a big girl. I can look after myself," she retorted. Still, she wasn't bothering to hide the wry smirk on her lips. "You just keep your eyes trained on the city."

He grinned at her, but moved to comply nevertheless. Slowly he walked to the edge of the roof, carefully avoiding the few small puddles that dotted the surface. It had be a rainy sort of Wednesday—dismal considering Christmas was less than a week away. Though the weather hadn't quite cooled to the point that they had to worry about the puddles becoming thin sheets of ice, the slick spots were a danger enough on their own considering the darkness of the hour and the height at which they were traveling.

Now that they had stopped moving at their brisk pace, the chilly night air soaked into Adrien's bones. As he surveyed the streets he rubbed his
hands against his cheeks, which were already starting to feel numb from the slight but insistent wind.

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