Convincing myself (part 2)

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He followed her around the back of a deli, trying not to let himself get too distracted. At this point, maybe it would just be best to ask her. After all, it was becoming really hard to convince himself that Marinette wasn't Ladybug. The more he thought about it, the more the two had merged together in his mind, until he had almost accidentally found himself calling Ladybug "Marinette" earlier this evening. If he asked, at least he could get a straight answer and not have to be so on guard around her about it.

But... Adrien sighed, holding back his disappointment. But Ladybug didn't want him to know. She had made that pretty clear. He had never been able to figure why she was so insistent about it, but he could only imagine how much she would freak out if he asked her. She might be furious with him. And what if he was wrong? What if he was just jumping to conclusions, and Ladybug wasn't actually Marinette? She might start getting suspicious, wondering if he was purposely trying to figure out her identity, which was the furthest thing from the truth. Honestly, Adrien wasn't sure which option would be worse.

Chicken. Still, it would probably be better not to risk it. Dejectedly, he trailed after her back toward where they had begun their loop.

To his surprise, when they stopped at the back of the bookstore where they had met up Ladybug told him, "Stay here for just a moment, okay?"

He watched curiously as she slipped in through the employee door in the back, wondering why he wasn't allowed inside too—he was starting to worry that his toes might fall off anyway, magical suit or no.

Not even ten seconds later she slipped back out, thanking someone he couldn't see and closing the door behind herself.

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