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He hit send, then looked up to find Nino watching him skeptically. "Since when do you send little cat faces to Nathalie?" Nino asked, glancing at Adrien's phone.

"Ever since I learned how much she hates cats," Adrien replied with a shrug. It was sort of true—she had recently let slip that she was allergic to them and avoided them at all costs. Probably just one of the many reasons she and Adrien had such a hard time getting along. Nino didn't look particularly convinced, but just then the teacher walked into the room, saving Adrien from further interrogation.

He was surprised when he felt his phone vibrate two minutes into class. He waited in pained silence as the teacher finished explaining a particular passage at length. When she finally turned to write down something on the board, he quickly slipped his phone back out.

I got to meet Plagg, but you still haven't met Tikki. Want to swing by my place after school?

Adrien's heart rate spiked. He glanced covertly at the teacher, who was still jotting down the complicated chart on the board. I'd love to.

Ten second later, his phone buzzed again, just as the teacher finished her chart and turned back to the class. Heart in his throat, Adrien waited anxiously as she continued her lecture, unable to absorb a single word. By the time she finally turned back to the chalkboard, his hand hurt from gripping his phone so tightly for so long. He had messenger open half a second later.

Great. Meet me after class, handsome boy.

He turned bright red. Nino gave him a pointed look, and Adrien was sure he was going to get the third degree after class. Still, he couldn't stop the floaty feeling that was hovering in his chest. He and Marinette were still on good terms. Things weren't awkward—rather, they somehow seemed to be meshing even better than before. And he already had his first chance to prove to her exactly how serious he was. No amount of Alya's giggling nor Nino's smirks could outweigh any of that.

Sorry for the short chapter and for the delays but have been really busy with school work ! Bye guys

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