Winter break

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After what seemed like an eternity, the bell finally rang and winter break officially began. Adrien sighed in relief as the class burst to life around him, chattering about their plans for break and quickly heading toward the door.

"Hey guys, hold up a second."

Adrien paused, his coat halfway on, as he, Alya and Nino all turned toward Marinette.

"Since it's the last day of classes, I thought it was the perfect time for Christmas presents," Marinette told them, lifting up a small satchel she had brought with her.

"Aw, Marinette!" Alya said, wrapping her in a big bear hug. "You're such a sweetie."

Marinette opened her bag, taking out three smaller paper bags. "This one's for you," she said, handing one to Alya. "And this one's for you." Another to Nino. Then, with a shy smile that crinkled her blue eyes, she pick up the last bag and held it out to Adrien. "And this one's yours."

Adrien accepted the bag, so surprised that he wasn't quite sure what to say. "But I don't have a present for you," he blurted out, then inwardly cringed. Smooth. She probably thinks you're a real charmer.

"Don't worry," she assured him with a small, nervous shrug. "I'm not expecting anything in return. It's just a little something."

Chest feeling slightly warm, Adrien took a closer look at the bag in his hand. It was decorated with a swirled Christmas design—a beautiful tree and stockings surrounded by whirling snowflakes.

"Did you make this bag?" Adrien asked incredulously, noticing that aside from the decorations, it was no different from a plain brown paper lunch bag.

"Oh, I just decorated it with a little design," Marinette replied nonchalantly, though he caught the faint blush that dusted her cheeks. Knowing her, she had probably put a ton of work into them.

"Oh my goodness!" Alya squealed suddenly. "Are these what I think they are!?"

Adrien looked over to see Alya pull a gingerbread man from her bag, complete with frosted clothing.

"You did say you love them," Marinette replied with a happy smile.

Alya bit off one of the cookie's legs, shaking her head in satisfaction. "These are delicious! Are these one of your dad's, or did you make them?"

"I did," Marinette told her, giggling as Alya munched off another leg. "I've had a lot of practice this week."

"Aw yes!" Nino cried happily, pulling a snicker doodle out of his bag. "A whole bag of them? Marinette, you're the best!"

"Really, it was no big deal," she assured him, although she was beaming.

Grinning, Nino turned to Adrien. "What kind did you get?"

Startled, Adrien looked down at his own bag in his hands. Careful not to rip the paper, he opened it up. Inside he could glimpse a single cookie. He pulled it out gently, marveling at it.

It was a rose the size of his palm, each petal made from a different layer and gently airbrushed with a light pink glaze.

"It's marzipan," Marinette explained hurriedly, watching him closely. "I hope you don't mind—I wasn't sure which type of cookie you might like best, so I gave you my favorite treat instead."

Gently Adrien turned the flower around in his fingers, amazed by the insane level of detail that had been put into the pastry. He couldn't remember the last time he had received a handmade gift, let alone something made with such obvious care—it left him speechless.

"It's my dad's specialty," Marinette babbled, still watching Adrien worriedly. "I mean, it's his best selling item. He makes the best marzipan in Paris, because he starts with whole almonds and sugar, not syrup. And he adds rosewater to the dough—that's why he makes roses. B-but! This one isn't as pretty as the ones my dad makes. I made this one myself, so the petals are a little lopsided, and they look a little strange because I made them thicker. That way there's more marzipan to enjoy—but it kind of ruins the graceful effect, and—"

"This is amazing," Adrien said quietly, meeting Marinette's eyes. "Thank you. Really."

Marinette's shoulders eased down somewhat, and she shot him a relieved smile. "I hope you like it," she told him, making his heart skip.

Another chapter yippie. Guys please please please comment.

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