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"Man it is cold," Adrien mumbled as another wave of shivers assaulted him. Plagg had explained to him once that Chat Noir's suit was built to protect against any type of weather, including the cold—so at least he wouldn't have to worry about frostbite. Still, knowing that you weren't going to lose a few toes didn't make schlepping through the cold any more enjoyable.

"The temperature did dip pretty quickly this evening," Ladybug noted, glancing down an alley before motioning for him to follow. Between the puddles that were still hanging around and the sudden decline below freezing, they had decided to trek it on the ground for tonight's patrol rather than risk the icy rooftops. A little snow would have made it more doable—it provided an easier landing space, even if they did have to watch their step—but the precipitation and temperature had stubbornly refused to cooperate.

"Still," Ladybug added, "I'm actually kind of enjoying this."

"Seriously?" Adrien asked her incredulously, folding his fingers into his armpits.

Ladybug glanced at him and laughed. "What? Does the poor Kitty not like being cold?"

"Trust me," Adrien grumbled, glaring back at her. "I much prefer to be warm and snug indoors when it's this cold out."

"Normally I would probably agree," Ladybug told him, pausing as she surveyed the open street ahead of them. They hurried across to another alley, hopefully avoiding attention. Although the Parisians often meant well when they approached for an autograph, these patrols were meant to be a covert chance to catch anything out of the ordinary—even if they mostly turned into a chance to just hang out with Ladybug. But hey, he wasn't complaining.

Once they were safely cloaked in the shadows again, she continued, "However, it's been unbearably warm at my place, recently. The cool air feels kind of nice."

Adrien's stomach had dropped out on him again. Oh my god, it's her, isn't it? he realized. He took a deep breath, trying not to freak out. There's still no way to know for sure. It's at least possible this is all a coincidence.

It was a lame excuse, and he knew it.

Hi guys only a few more chapters to go. Hope you all are enjoying. Please comment and please follow me.😋😋

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