Chapter 2

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I ran with moonshine until I couldn't keep up with him anymore so I pulled myself up onto his back and swung the bow and quiver onto his back and we rode beside the truck until we passed it and we were up front soon with ace and Jake and others I nodded a signal too one of my friends and they released my horses from home and they were moonshines heard (they're not my parents horses but mustangs I saved from getting killed and i adopted them after i found out I had adopted their leader moonshine) and the herd pushed through all with the same brand on them as moonshine and with mask like moonshines but with different symbols depending on their names moonshines older daughter moon lily aka Lilly had a Lilly on hers and jack had jack'o'lantern on his and joker had the joker card on his and ace had an ace on his every horse in the group belonged to me or my family and every horse had a mask on or a symbol for their name only moonshines herd had both. We were now running ahead of the mob and herd and we pushed into the city and everyone had gotten word that it was going to happen so there was no cars in the way or anyone walking everyone was in the stores looking out of the window or on the side walks watching as me and moonshine galloped down the road with new people joining from hiding place in alleys and streets we did not stop until we reached an old building we parked all around it and entered through any door and window we could find I was the first in.

I waited until everyone was inside and shushed until i spoke with Danny and Jake seated beside me and my family too "as you all know that i was kidnapped from my home by Jake and Danny because of my father's enemy Valentine and they saved me when he was going to kill me and one of his men tried too but as you all know did not succeed and there have been several time where he has gotten close to kill me but my friends Danny and Jake have helped me through it and has saved me but i don't know how long they can before they are hurt and Valentine gets too me so i have called a meeting and we are too meet when I give the signal till then people will be coming to help so if you have room please let them stay there i will be giving out papers so you know who and what they look like they will not be in the gang wear but they will have a code for each house that will also be on the papers and if there is someone acting odd and is snooping around send word then capture the stranger and I will come if not someone of my family and friends will come" I looked around as they nodded.

I continued on "there will be a war but it will be between me and my family against Valentine and his men I want people surrounding the perimeter if i have assigned you too it and the rest you will have to act normal because not everyone knows what's going on and it will have to stay that way" as I was about to get down someone shouts "how do we know you are not working for him and that your new buddies are not with them?" I looked at the man who said it and raised my now drown pistol "I know when people lie and I know a spy when I see one and if you do not believe me that I am not apart of the man who killed my parents group and you come after me i will put a bullet into your head and F.Y.I get out of my town or better yet uncle we got a live one" my uncle knew that I mean spy and he tackled the man order to handcuff him "oh and by the way here's a message too Valentine" I started to take my mask off as I spoke " tell him that I will be waiting for him and I will find him and I will never give him my father's file up to him just because of his stupid fantasy about ruling the world and tell him I'm coming too get him" as I finished talking I had managed to take off the mask and I let it fall off my head too the floor and i heard gasps from everyone who did not know me that well even the man was shocked and muttered "boss is not afraid of a teenage girl but why you are like the scariest girl i have ever met besides my older sis but then again she does not know me" then he looked up right into my eyes they were like my father's and he looked like my mother "oh and by the way mom says sorry".

He then he faints because of a dart that was in his back but it was just a tranquilizer and I was just standing there dumbfounded. I still have not moved when Danny came over after they took the boy who just looked older because of the way he had a mask on and gear that made him look older. I looked up at Danny he had the same look as I probably had on my face it was confusion. I looked around and found out we were alone and no one was left but us inside the old building "dad do you think when mom disappeared year do you think it was too hide something she was hiding?" he shook his head and smiled "you know before all this happened she was pretty happy until the day before she left and disappeared that year she missed your first birthday but she was also worried when we started to get threats on our family and then she just left with a suitcase of clothes and her pickup truck now that I think about it a month before she started to wear baggy clothes and she was acting different and had a trunk she would not let me look in and I still have not opened it" "let's go see what mom was hiding and too see why that boy said that mom is sorry" Danny grinned at me and we climbed into the car after I took off the armor but not some of my guns and knife.

When we got home we went straight to my parents old room I looked around the room there was pictures of my parents and my family on the wall on holidays and celebrations on the once beautiful creamy blue walls and the old oak side tables and dresser also desk and mirror the bed was a match too the tables and dressers and mirror and the trunk looked the same as the bedroom set too. When I grabbed a key from my necklace that my grandma said it opens up the trunk I put it in the keyhole and the lock snapped open and Danny opened it up and we looked inside. There was baby stuff and pictures of a small baby boy with mom holding him and there was a note yellowed with age it had mom's writing on it.

Dear Lily and Wayde,

I love you so much and i loved your father but I had to hide a secret even though I did not want to but it was too protect you and our family. Lilly you have a brother who is about a year younger than you I had to hide him with my uncle who lives up near the mountains I had too they said they were going to kidnap me and my unborn child if I did not give them the file but I didn't want too so I went into hiding I wish I could see you grow up but I know that they will find me but not your brother I leave this not as a warning they are going to go after you when you turn sixteen and you are too find your brother when it is that time he can hide you and help you i hope it is not too late by the time you read this.

P.S if your father is still alive when they come after us tell him sorry I did not tell him about our son before i left and your brothers name is Jackson.

Love your mother and wife,


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