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One year later on Christmas eve.

"Say cheese" we all posed in front of our Christmas tree and my camera on a timer took the picture from its stand when I looked at the picture I saw Jake being a scrooge and looking out the window like he was doing now "Jake you're a scrooge you can't take one picture.." I stopped short when I saw why he was looking out the window there was a horse with a mans body its saddle and I ran out with Jake beside me and my six shooter out. The horse stopped in front of me it was a gypsy vanner and it was solid black with a black blaze running through its mane and down its face I went too where the bulk was and I saw that it was a man in his mid thirties early forties and he was injured from what I could see he was shot but that was about sixteen seventeen years ago and he had a stab wound in his chest and he was losing a lot of blood "daddy, mama, gram someone get the first aid kit and Kit, DJ give me and Jake a hand and Billy take this horse too the barn my uncles should be there and take care of the horse" I yelled and too the house and gave orders to those who I saw coming out of the house "Twins go through his this and if you find something that tells us who this guy is then come and tell me and if you find any weapons bring them too me and his things put them in too my shop" they went with billy and the horse after Jake, Kit and I got the man off his horse "Jake Set up a spot in my shop where we can lay him down and Mammogram we need those supplies in the shop with clean rags". Jake ran ahead of us and cleared a spot on the long wooden table that we put in here to plan some new houses for everyone since the main house as getting crowded since my uncle who had been missing married his high school sweetheart who is my science teacher and she's going to have a child and some of my cousins gotten engaged and some married and gram wants to have her own space so does my uncles and Wolfie and her brother moved in since they lost their house and they didn't want to live with their relatives too we decided that they can live with us and billy is now living with us since his mother died from cancer and i had bought my mother's childhood home and we moved everything out of it and put it in storage and we are going to fix up moms old home so her and dad can live in it and are having the main house too were the teens and the single family members live there with there own section and where adding on to the house where there's like a deck but is a floating house that's attached to the tree house with is done and my office was still where it was just bigger for plans.

Once we laid the stranger down I set to work taking off his shirt and jacket and removing any weapons. By the time I gotten off what i needed to work on his wounds mama and gram arrived with the supplies and dad had the other thing they couldn't carry and dad was a little protective of mom even more than usually because she was going to have triplets any time now and he was excited and worried so he carrying the hot water and my tool box. I gave orders and I set to work mama was cleaning his face off with a cool rag and bringing down his fever and gram was holding a bowl for and bullets and anything i pulled out of him while dad helped me clean his wounds. When we were done the man had about thirty stitches on his wounds and all together was a hundred and twenty stitches and dad was staring at him in shock so was Jake I noticed that the man had similar features too Jake and kit he had the same face structure and the same curly hair and eyes from what I could tell when he suddenly woke up now before thrashing around and attacking my father "enough stand down soldier" I barked at the older Elly man and he suddenly stood stock still "at ease" and he looked at me in surprise as I ran to check on my father "daddy how many times have I told you let the girls stand close the any man who is knocked out so this way you can save us and not let your ego get destroyed by getting saved by your daughter" my father just sent me a look and I laughed as I helped him up.

I turned to the older Elly male "hi Elly i'm lily and this is my father Danny and that woman over there is my mother that boy in the corner is my brother Jack and the guy that's looks like he is about to pass out from shock is Jake and the one who looks like him is Kit and you're on my ranch welcome to the foster's home" I smiled and he looked surprised until he looked at my father closely and then smiled "well what a surprise the last time i saw lily and Diana and you was when lily was born" that's because you were in the hospital for a bar fight" my dad answered with a smile as he hugged his old friend "did you know you have twin sons?" i asked him sweetly he nodded looking confused "how did you know their names are Jacob and Kit" I smiled "oh because i was just checking since we found twin Elly boys and they didn't know each other and i'm dating Jacob while kit is dating one of my friends" "where are they" i laughed at his question "there in front of you dummy" i pointed at my boyfriend and his brother who were calmly watching us "well i'll be i thought kit was missing" he looked close to tears looking at his sons "he was in Valentine's headquarters and I saved him and he saved me" we talked for a while then we went to the house and gram had food on the table and was making cookies.

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