Oh William Shakespeare!

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"I-I'm sorry!" I said as I grabbed my binder. I used my hair as a veil to cover my burning cheeks.

Just as I grabbed my schedule a hand went on top of mine. I looked at his face. His sparkling blue eyes looked into mine. His eyes traveled all over my face and they finally landed on my lips.

I looked back at the floor and I picked up all my papers, my backpack, and my binder. I stood up and the guy did too. He looked my schedule over.

"Looks like we have 4 classes together." He said as he handed me back my schedule.

"So what's your name beautiful?"

"A-Alexa, and yours?"

"Davidson, Jack Davidson." He said, pretending to be James Bond I giggled.

"Hey Jack!" another guy yelled.

"I better go. See ya in class" Jack said.

"Y-Yeah, see ya." I said. I turned my head to hide my blush.

I walked down the hall. Suddenly the bell rang. I checked my schedule. My first class was English. I used the map and I found my class in about 2 minutes.

I opened the door and I was greeted by a middle aged women.

"Hi, I'm Alexa, I'm the new student."

"Welcome Alexa." I handed her my schedule and she signed it. The other students were starting to arrive. They all looked at me. Most of the guys wolf-whistled except for Jack, he just smiled at me.

"Okay class, we have a new student today, her name is Alexa. I hope you make her feel welcome. Alexa, would you mind introducing yourself? " I stepped in front of the class.

"Hi my name is Alexa, and I moved here from Las Vegas." I looked at her to see if I said enough. She slightly nodded

"Thank you. Now, you can take the seat next to Trevor." Trevor raised his hand and smirked at me. Just by sitting down I could tell that he was taller than me. He had red hair and blue eyes. I walked over to my seat and I sat down.

Suddenly I felt someone poke me. I looked over at Trevor.

"Hi my name's Trevor."

"My name's Alexa."

Trevor and I talked for a while before

Ms. Thompson, or at least that's what my schedule said, began a lesson about William Shakespeare. I tried to pay attention but I couldn't.

Shakespeare is so hard to understand. The wording sounds like a completely different language and then you don't know what the hell he's saying.

Finally I gave up paying attention. Jack was just doodling on his paper. I decided to start doodling too.

Suddenly the teacher spoke up.

"Okay class, for your project you will have to take one Shakespeare scene and modernize it. It can be from any of his plays. You will work in pairs. For extra credit you can present it to the class."

This should be fun.

"Before you go and run to your friends I have already chosen your partners,"

I sat patiently and waited for my name.

"Alexa Garcia, and Jack Davidson."

My eyes lit up. Suddenly I felt all the girls in the room glare at me.

Trevor looked at me.

"I feel for ya."


"Jack Davidson is the school bad boy. His brother's Ryan Davidson, he's a junior and he's the school player."

"Ay Dios mío. (Oh my god)." I said as I laid my head on my desk.


Ms.Thompson let us have some time to work with our partners. Trevor got up and moved to a different seat. Jack came and sat next to me.

"So we meet again." He said.

"Yup." I replied."So what play to you want to do?"

Jack shrugged. "I guess since we're a boy and a girl. we should do Romeo and Juliet." I blushed.

"So do you wanna come over to my house and work on the project today?"

I blushed. Jack softly pinched my cheeks.

"S-sure." I said.


Ms.Thompson told us that it was almost time for the class to end. Trevor sat next to me again.

"How'd it go."

I sighed.


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