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I heard a steady beeping. I opened my eyes and all I saw was white. I looked at my body and I saw an endless collection of tubes connected to me.

One thing's for sure. I wasn't in heaven.

I looked to my left and I saw Tanner playing on his phone. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was messy, it was clear that he had run his hands over it countless times and his eyes had bags under them.

"Tanner." I whispered. I suddenly realized how dry my throat was. He turned his attention to me.

"Alexa! I'm so happy you're awake! You scared the life out of me! I thought you left me!"

He came over and gave me a hug.

"I would never leave you." I whispered.

He reached over and he pressed a red button.

"The doctor told me to call a nurse when you woke up."

"How long have I been out?"

"About 4 days."

4 days!? I must've been really hurt! I've never been out for 4 days.

The door opened and a middle aged women came in.

"Hi sweetie! It's about time you woke up. Your brother here hasn't left the room since you got out of surgery. I'm just going to run some tests to see how you're doing."

She ran some tests and after each one she would write something down on a clipboard. After about 10 minutes she was done.

"Okay, I'm gonna call the doctor and he'll be here in a few minutes." She said.

"Thank you." Tanner said as the nurse left the room.

Then he turned his attention to me.

"Water." I whispered.

He handed me a glass of water. I cleared my throat.

"Thanks." My voice was back to normal.

"I'm not the only one here." Tanner said. The door opened and my mom and dad came in with a lot of balloons and stuffed animals.

"Ay Alexa me asustaste. (Oh Alexa you scared me.)" My mom said as she kissed my face and hugged me. My dad came and hugged me too.

Suddenly the door came open and a man in a white coat came in.

"Hello Alexa. Nice to see that you're awake."

"How is she doctor?" My mom asked in her Spanish accent.

"Well, in the accident she lost a lot of blood. She had 3 broken ribs, a broken leg and she had cracked her skull

He placed 3 x-rays on a board that was lit. It showed my broken leg, my broken ribs and a crack in my skull.

"But thanks to the surgery and the blood donation, her body is recovering."

The next 3 x-rays showed that my injuries had shown that the crack was sealed, and my leg and my ribs had been realigned.

"Wait. Who was the blood donator?"

The door open and Ryan came in.

"I was." He came and he gave me a hug.

"I would do anything for you." he whispered. Then he let go.

"Yes, Ryan has the same blood type as you and he was the first one to volunteer. Also, Alexa will have to be in the hospital for a month, but you're welcome to visit her anytime." The doctor said.

As soon as the doctor left, Jack came in. His eyes were red and it was obvious that he had been crying. The sadness in his eyes was enough to break my heart.

"Can I talk to Alexa alone?" he asked.

Everybody nodded and they began to leave. Conner kissed my cheek and I began to blush. He chuckled and then he left.

The awkward silence was intense. I was praying that he would say something.

"Alexa I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You have no idea how guilty I feel. All I could think about is what happened. All I could think about was you. Your looks, your smell, your body and how you drive me crazy.....I love you." He said.

"Look Jack, I love you too but I can't forget what you said. Because of you, my heart is shattered. I never thought someone I care about so much could hurt me until you did."

"So I guess we're over." he said.

I could feel the tears trying to fall.

"Yup I guess this is it." I said but my voice began to shake at the end.

Jack came over and he kissed me. This kiss was slow and delicate. I never wanted it to end.

But sadly he pulled away.

"Don't you ever forget that I love you Alexa."

Then he left. When the door closed I couldn't hold back the tears. Luckily Ryan came in and he hugged me while I cried. One thought kept on running through my head.

I love Jack and I lost him.

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