Bruises, Scratches, and a Black Eye

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When I got home it was about 8:00 . Shit. Stupid traffic. I saw a note on the fridge.

Dear Alexa,

Your father and I are working late tonight. Your brother is at a party. Your sister Gabby will take care of you. There is arroz in the pan.


Mama y papa.

Damn my luck. I was stuck with my sister for the night. As if on cue my sister came down the stairs.

"Where were you bitch?" she snapped

"I-I was a-at a friend's h-house." I mumbled. She slapped me.


"I WAS AT A FRIENDS HOUSE." she punched my stomach. I winced in pain.

"Don't yell at me worthless slut! Who's house were you at."

I didn't bother lying because she would know.

"At Jack and Ryan's house. Jack and I are doing a project together."

She kicked my knee and I fell to the ground.

"Bitch stay away from them!"


"Good! I don't even know why you try hanging out with them! They'll never like such a worthless slut!"

She kicked my legs and then she began to kick my stomach. I wincd at every blow. She punched my face and I noticed a black eye forming. She punched my face again and I tasted blood in my mouth. Finally she got off of me.

I was so happy that she finally stopped. Suddenly I felt a tug at my hair. I screamed. She dragged me up the stairs. I felt like my hair was being ripped out of my head. When we reached the door to my room she opened the door.

She dragged me to the middle of my room. She kicked my side. She grabbed me from my hair and she made me stand up.

"Now listen bitch. You know the routine. If you tell mom, dad , or Tanner, the next time I beat you, you won't be conscious. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes. ma'm." She slapped me.

"Don't call me ma'm, I'm not old."

She slammed the door of my room as she walked away.

I curled into a ball and I began to cry.

I had to take a shower so I got up. I limped to my bathroom. I noticed bruises all over my body. Luckily I only had a bloody nose, a bloody lip and a black eye.

When I was done taking a shower I changed into my pajamas and I limped to my bed. I rolled up in my bed and I cried myself to sleep.


The next morning I got up. I winced at the pain that shot through my body as I walked. It was chilly so I put on jeans and sweatpants. I put my hair up in a bun.

I put make up on my black eye. I did my usual morning routine and I got in my car.

I plugged my headphones into my iPhone. I put on one earbud. I put on pandora. Welcome to my life by simple plan came on. I hummed to the song.

When I got to school I went straight to my English class. About half the class was already there.

I took my seat next to Trevor.

"Hey." he said.


"So how'd it go yesterday at Jack's house?"

"It was good." I said as I held back a blush as I remembered the events. The bell rang. Jack came in and he winked at me. Ms.Thompson sat at her desk.

"Good Morning class."

"Good Morning."

"Okay so today I'm going to give you 10 minutes to get with your partner for the Shakespeare project."

Damn my luck.

Everybody moved next to their partners. I made a small little prayer to god that Jack won't notice my makeup. As Jack headed towards my table Gabby's words echoed in my head.

Bitch stay away from them!...they'll never like such a worthless slut!

"Hey." Jack said. I ignored him.

"Hello? Earth to lexi." He said as he laughed.

I almost blushed at the nickname. ALMOST.

"Alexa, look at me." I looked away. My heart hurt at treating him this way. But I can't risk another beat down from Gabby.

When I wouldn't turn he gently grabbed my chin and turned my head. I felt sparks from his touch. Our eyes locked. He leaned in. Our lips were about to touch.

"Okay class, times up."

I snapped back to reality and I looked away from him. I heard him get up.

My heart sank in my chest.


The rest of the school day went by normally. Except that around the end of 6th period, I saw rain begin to fall. HARD. I officially have the worst luck in the world.

When the last bell rang, I began to walk to my car. I felt my makeup coming off and my black eye became exposed .

"ALEXA!" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Jack. I sped up my pace.

"ALEXA!!" His voice was closer. I began to sprint to my car. I was about to open the handle to my car when a hand covered mine.

I tensed. I kept my head low in an attempt to hide my black eye.

"Alexa look at me." I didn't turn around.

Just like in English he gently lifted my chin. I closed my eyes because I didn't want to see his expression.

"Alexa open your eyes."

I obeyed an we locked eyes. His expression was angry.

"Alexa,"he said sternly "who the hell did this to you?"

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