The Player Strikes

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A/N: I changed so they only have half of their classes together. You'll see why :)

The days have flown by since Jack kissed me. I would wake up extra early to avoid my sister and I would make sure that there was always somebody home when she was around.

Right now Jack and I were holding hands as we walked into school. Everybody was staring at us. The guys gave Jack jealous looks and the girls glared at me.

"Looks like everybody hates us." I said.

"It doesn't matter what they think, it only matters that we're together."

Jack said as he bent down to peck my lips. I blushed. We walked to English class and we sat next to eachother. Today our modern scene was due. We did the scene where they were at the ball. We changed it to they were at a club since clubs are usually dark.

We didn't act it out cuz 1. We would do too mush PDA and 2. I'm a terrible actor.

Jack wanted the PDA part but a few Hershey chocolate bars and kisses later he agreed with me.

"Okay class now I want you to turn to page 166 in your textbook and I want you to read with a partner and try to interpret Shakespeare's old English."

Ms.Thompson announced instantly the class got up to go with their friends. Trevor came up to me.

"Do you wanna be partners?" he asked.

Then his eyes turned to Jack who was glaring at him.

"Nevermind." he said as he walked away.

"What the hell was that!?" I asked him.

"I don't want him to take you away from me."

I sighed. Jack could be over possessive sometimes.

"Just don't be mean to him. He was the first friend I met here."

Jack just nodded. Then he read one of the phrases.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite."

He looked up and we locked eyes. This phrase was meant for us. My heartbeat sped up as our gaze deepened.

He put his hand over mine. We stared at it and we leaned in. Our lips were about an inch apart.

"So class how did you do?" Ms. Thompson asked. We backed away and I blush. There was no doubt in my mind that Ms. Thompson saw us almost kiss but she didn't say anything.

We got up and Jack held my hand. He walked me to my second period which was chemistry.

"So how about we finish what we started?" he asked. He pushed me up against the wall. Then he leaned in and he smashed our lips. I teased him a little and I but his bottom lip. He moaned. Then he pulled apart. I knew he was about to kiss me again but I got away..

I stuck my tongue out at him as I turned to leave.

"Oh Alexa, you don't know what you do to me."

I giggled and I made sure to sway my hips as I left.

At lunch, I waited in line. Suddenly Jack was behind me.

"Hola bonita." he said in his American accent. I giggled.

"Aww you talked in Spanish." I said.

"Do I get a reward?" he asked. I stood on my toes and I pecked his lips.

We got our food and we sat at our own separate table. We talked over random things and Jack found out I play soccer.

"So how long have you been playing soccer?" he asked.

"Since I was 7."

"Damn. What's your favorite team?"

"Well I actually have 3 favorite teams. 1. Mexico's official team 2. America 3. Manchester United."

"Who's your favorite player?"

"Chicharito. He's good looking, and he has amazing skills."

Jack glared at me. I laughed.

"So can you come over to my house after school?" he asked.


"Great, but I'll be there a little later because I got stuff to do."

"Okay." We sat and ate lunch until the bell rang. I threw away my food. I didn't have any other classes with Jack. He pecked my cheek and we parted our ways.

I walked into PE and I changed into my uniform. I kept my necklace on. Te shorts were like my soccer shorts and the t-shirt was black and it said Rivendale in red letters. At least it was fashionable.

Ms. Romero, our PE teacher told us that we would be running the mile. I sighed. I'm a fast runner but I hate running the mile.

I finished first with a time of 4minutes and 57 seconds. I was 2 minutes faster than the second girl. I mentally thanked my mama for putting me in soccer.

After the mile we got to play dodgeball. When we walked by the boys to get to the gym many of the guys wolf whistled at me and Ryder winked at me. If only Jack was here now.

I was excited to play dodgeball. My team won but nobody really cares cuz we had a lot of fun.

I changed out and I went to my last period. That's the good thing about 3rd lunch, you only had 2 classes left until you end the day.

I walked into 6period Orchestra. I played the viola. I've been playing since 6th grade so I was pretty good. After an hour of playing Mozart's 4 seasons it was time to go. When the bell rang I took my black motorcycle (my favorite ride) to Jack's house.

When I got there I took off my helmet and I rang the doorbell. When I opened it Carter was there. His blonde hair was wet and he only had gym shorts on. His perfectly sculpted abs stood in all their glory.

"Like what you see?"

I glared at him. He opened the door and he let me in. When we walked to the kitchen I heard Banda music. When we got to the kitchen there was a middle aged women cooking.

"Alexa, this is Maria, our maid. She's like a second mom to us."

"Hello." She said. Her Hispanic accent was clear when she spoke.

"Hola como esta? (hi how are


"Bien y usted? (Good and you?)."

"Bien gracias. Yo soy la novia de Jack. (good thanks. I'm jacks girlfriend)."

"Que bueno. Si necesitas algo,yo estoy aqui. (good. if you need anything, I'm here)."

"Gracias. (Thank you)."

When Ryan noticed that we were done talking he led me to Jack's room. He closed the door.

"Do you feel the same thing I do?"

I shook my head.


He touched my hand and I felt warm. But I didn't say anything. He pushed me on Jack's bed. He leaned in and he kissed my cheek. I blushed.



Then he smashed his lips against mine. I didn't want to but I responded. We continued to kiss eachother.

Then the door opened.

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