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"Just a week Ariana!" My mom said grabbing her bags. "MOM, Why are you guys leaving me with a boy, for a week?!" I grabbed her arm before she left. "Ariana let go! We have a time limit!" My mom pushed me off and closed the door. I froze staring at the door. I just screamed and went up to my room. I was on tumblr for a while I didn't relize it was 7 pm. My babysitter was supposed to be here.

Why'd Id have to have a babysitter anyways? I'm 18! There was a ding at the door and I ran downstairs, opening the door I looked up to the figure who was infront of me. I stared into his hazel eyes as he looked into mine.

"Hi, Im Ariana." I smiled and gave a sweet small grin. "I'm Justin, I'm here to babysit you." "Lets just say you're my friend and you came to visit me." I said and patted his chest. "Okay?" He just smiled and I let him in. I showed him to his room and he set his stuff down. He was adorbAble.


I unpacked and took a shower, I changed into my pajamas pants leaving my shirt off. I walked down stairs and saw Ariana with which seemed like a guy? I walked to where she was, she seemed to shift to comfortable to uncomfortable. "This is my friend, Justin." She pointed towards me and I smiled. "Hello mate, I'm Jai." He shook my hand. "What's up." I said and turned around getting a soda. I grabbed it and walked into the living room and sat on the couch watching TV. Ariana's friend left and she came and sat down with me. "Since you're here, and I don't really know you...Lets talk." she grabbed the remote turning off the TV.

After talking to Justin, I now know he loves Hockey, singing and girls.

I laid in my room thinking about how Jai looked at him when he came down stairs. shirtless. I'd have to admit, I think Justin's a really nice guy, but I'm dating Jai and he would be heartbroken if I just broke his heart.

"Ariana!!!" I ran downstairs and saw Justin dressed in clothes with keys in his hand. "Pizza?" He asked I nodded my head and ran up stairs getting into tights with a crewneck slipping on some flats. "Ready." I walked downstairs and Justin was on his phone. He seemed to text someone.

He looked up at me and smiled. He put his hand on my lower back as we walked to his car. I didn't mind I mean he's a doll.

We arrived and he ordered us a pizza. Fit for two. I was still red when that lady told us. "Your a very cute couple." and Justin replied "Thanks." After he did that I stared at him with a I'm going to kill you look he just smiled and we ate the pizza. "I'm not your girlfriend!" is what I wanted to tell him, but I let this one slide since it was only once and he was a cutie, who would deny being his girlfriend?!

"Is he your boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrow, "Jai, is he your boyfriend?" He took a bite from his pizza. I nodded "We've been together for a while." I answered. "Oh, that's cool." He awkwardly said and leaned back taking a drink from his drink. I smiled and he gave me a "huh?" look. I shook my head and he looked down at his fingers.

We got to my house and well the car ride was silent. "Thank you." I gave him a side hug as I walked up to my room. "Your welcome." He smiled.

After taking a shower putting my hair up and getting into pajamas I walked down stairs. I sat on the couch next to justin.

I wish he kissed me.

Wait, no I have a boyfriend!

Well, one kiss won't hurt right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone clapped infront of my face. I jumped and he laughed. "Day dreaming much.." He smirked I laughed and asked him. "Where are you from?" I asked making conversation. "Canada." He threw popcorn in his mouth after answering my question. "Oh really?" I grabbed popcorn and was about to bring it into my mouth.

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