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"What?! A MONTH." I frowned. "Yes, Our plane has some problems and they need to fix it. WERE IN AFRICA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD and me and your father decied to have our 21 year anniversary here." "Fine. I can't believe it. Bye mom." "Bye sweetie!!" I hung up the phone and set it next to my bed.

"JUSTIN" I yelled. I heard him walking up to my bedroom door opening it. "What?" He asked. "Did you?" "Yep. Your stuck with me. Sorry kid." "WAIT. What did you just call me?" I sat up walking over to him pointing to him. "Kid? I treat you what you act like." He smirked.

He liked pissing me off didn't he.

"UGH." I groaned and sat down. I opened my laptop and went on YouTube. I loved watching Kingsley.

"What are you doing babe?" Justin rapped his arms around my waist. "I'm not your babe." I watched the video. Justin laid his head on my shoulder and watched with me. I laughed and he smiled at me. "Ariana." He held me closer. "Hm?" I asked. "Are you still mad?" He put his hands on mine and tangled our fingers together. "About?" I asked looking down at our hands. "Me and Alice having...sex." I felt like I was gonna barf. "o" I said and looked over at him. He looked like he was guilty and wanted to apologize. "Are yo-" I smashed my lips on his putting my arm around his neck as the other was on his chest as he rapped his arm around my waist. His tougne begged for entrance. Our tougnes danced around and he laid back me over him.

"I'm sorry." He pulled back. "Justin. I didn't have any right to be mad at you. Espacilly when your not my boyfriend." I got off of him. With out saying another word I walked out the room leaving him alone.

"Ariana,wake up." Justin shook her and she got up. "What?" Ariana groaned. "School." "Fuck school, I'm missing." I put my blankets back over me and he laid beside me and put his arm over my side. Pulling my close. "It's okay with me. Lets stay like this." I smiled and got up. "To bad my mom wouldn't let me miss. Don't want to be bad." I grabbed me an outfit and he left and I dressed up.

"Bye Justin. I'm going to school." He hugged me giving me a fast peck on my lips. "Goodbye beautiful." He smiled and let me go giving me my keys. "Bye" I walked out of the house and forgot my jacket.

"UGH." I knocked on the door. As soon as Justin opened it he grabbed my waist pulling me in kissing me. He closed the door behind us and pinned me agaisnt the wall.  I ran my fingers through his hair and he picked me up under my bum.

He brought me to the counter and set me up there pulling some hair behind my ear "Your so pretty.." he smiled and I blushed. He leaned in and I put my arms around his neck and our lips softly touched and it sent chills down my spine. He laid his hand on my cheek and our lips synced with each other's. I pulled back and we both smiled dorky.

"I uhm have to go to school." I put my fingers through his hair one more time. "Okay. Can I drive you?" He asked and took my hand as I jumped off the counter. "Yeah. I have 20 mins left." He got his shoes and keys and jacket and I remember to grab mine and he drove me to school.

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