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"Ariana Grande and boyfriend Justin Bieber 'Get a little touchy' during Grande's album release party, watch to see more."

I couldn't believe my ears, that
fucking bitch released them.

I grabbed my phone and quickly called Justin. "Justin, she gave them to tmz!!" "What? Are you serious? That fucking whore I'll be right over okay?" "Okay love you." "Love you too baby girl."

"I'm here." He carried in the grocieries from the store. "I didn't finish shopping for stuff but I'm here." He laughed. "Justin my career is gonna be ruined, my life is gonna be ruined." I opened my twitter app.

"No it's not baby," He came and put his arm around me. "Just think postive." He kissed my forhead.

Ariana is a fucking slut omfg

Ariana why would you do that?!

she wouldn't do that though.

there a couple what do you except?


"What did they say anyways?" He asked. "That we were getting a little touchy.." He came over to me and whispered in my ear. "That's not even half of how touchy we can get." He started kissing my neck, "Justin stop." I laughed.

"Maybe we can go upstairs and finally do what they want us to do." He winked at me. I flipped him off. "That's it you're a naughty girl!" He came and picked me up. "Seriously Justin."

"Okay fine." He threw me on the couch. "Oh really?" I grabbed him and pulled him onto the couch. He fell onto me and smiled. "You're so beautiful." I smiled and he kissed my lips.

I rapped my arms around his neck and our lips moved in sync, he began kissing my neck and then down to my collar bone and then back to my lips.

He grabbed my but making me jump, rubbing on his manhood, lolz, he moaned quitely in my ear.

"We should take this upstairs." He whisperd. I agreed and he picked me up my legs rapping around his waist, I rapped my arms around his neck running my hand through his hair.

He walked into my room and laid me on the bed, I pulled him onto me and began what we had ended.

"Ariana..I need you.." He moaned.

I turned him over being ontop, I took off my top and began kissing his neck. His hands resting on my sides.

As soon as I was going to kiss him, someone rang the door bell.

"SHIT" Justin whisperd. I laughed an began putting my shirt back on.

"Ariana, what the hell?" He laid there looking at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, some other time babe?" I asked climbing up to him giving him a quick kiss before going downstairs and answering the door.

I opened the door and no one was there. I looked frusterated.

"Who was it?" He asked. "No one. ughhhhh." "Well wanna?" "No, I'm not in the mood lets watch TV?" I smiled.

"Sounds good to me." he smiled and I laid my head on his chest as we watched movies.

We watched TV then something came on. Our favorite tmz. "Justin cheating on Ariana?! With-" I shut off the TV and couldn't believe my eyes.

     He wouldn't.


Hello, sorry for a short chapter, just wanted to give you guys something before I went back to school.

Vote, Comment and enjoy! 💕😅

p.s sorry for a short update and not being on for months!

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