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I woke up looking decent for everyone to come by on Christmas.

I drank some Starbucks as I sat on the couch. My mom made breakfast and all I wanted for Christmas was Justin. I wanted to spend time. I frowned and there was a knock on the door. I walked over and saw Lexi smiling. "LEXI!" I yelled jumping into her arms.
"Merry Christmas sweets!" She smiled. "Merry Christmas! Here's your present!" She handed me a bag. "Same." I handed hers. "Aw thanks love." We hugged.

We ate cookies and opened out presents. "So has Justin called you?" I forget he hasn't. "No." I sighed. "Oh.." She knows something. "Hey Lex! Can you go pick up the milk it's arrived."

"Okay!" She left. "What's going on?" I raised my eyebrow."Nothing" She snapped. Hm. Something's up.

Lexis POV;

I arrived at the airport and saw Justin. "JUSTIN!" I yelled he smiled and ran over. "Oh thank god your here. I wanna see Ariana already!" Aw. She's gonna be so happy. "I can't wait for Ariana to see you!!" I squealed.

The drive there was alright we talked and laughed about things talked about Ariana.

We got to the house and I sneaked Justin up to the door. "Ready?" I questioned. "Yeah." He smiled. I walked in with the jug of milk. "IM BACK!" I yelled. "Thank you." Joan smiled and went to grab her camera.

She walked back to the living room and Ariana stood there confused.


They recorded me for..what?

I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey beautiful." I know that voice, JUSTIN!?

I turned around and saw Justin standing there smiling. "OH MY GOSH." I put my hands over my face. Tears streamed down my face. I hugged him so tight that I would never ever let go of him. "Hey baby." He hugged me. "I've missed you so much." I kissed his cheek. We pulled back and I rapped my arms around his neck. I smiled and stared into his eyes.

We both leaned in as we kissed. My mom and Lexi left the room and decieded to go get some more food. Me and Justin didn't stop, we wanted this to last forever. He picked me up and brung me to my room. He laid me down and started to kiss my neck. I bit my lip and he started ticking me. I laughed and he gave me one last kiss. "I'm so happy to see you." He smiled. "I'm so HAPPY to see YOU too." I smiled. We smiled and just everything froze. It was like me and him were the only ones on earth. I was happy to see him again.
Christmas Was Over and me and Justin laid in my bed. "You still never gave me my present." Justin squeezed my hips causing me to jump. "What present?" "You know." He kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and felt his hand run all over my body. I grabbed his face kissing him. We kissed roughly and he tugged on my shorts. I felt him unbotton them and throw them off.

I felt bad for taking it from her, like this is her first time and this is like my 5th...Maybe I shouldn't. So I stopped. She sat up and was confused. "What?" I asked. "What's wrong?" she asked crawling over to me. "I just, this is your first and like this isn't my first." I tried not to make that sound dumb. "Justin really?" She asked. "I want you to be my first." and finished. Before I cohld say anything else she got onto my lap laying me back.

She rubbed against my man hood and I felt it getting bigger and bigger. "Ariana." I softly moaned. I flipped her over and she bit her lip looking up and down at me. I pulled down my pants and her underwear and went inside. "JUSTIN." She moaned she grabbed into the sheets. "God damn babe your tight.."I thrusted and she scratched onto my back. We kissed and she pulled onto the back of my hair. Which was a huge turn on.
about too.." She moaned and I pulled out before I did too. "Holy shit your the best one I've ever had." I turned towards her and kissed her. We pulled back and she took a shower. I took over after her and we watched Christmas movies while eating cookies. I rapped my arm around her shoulder and she set her head on my chest. "Love you." she kissed my cheek. "Love you too." I kissed her forhead down to her soft cute cheeks. -
I woke up with Ariana curled up into ball laying next to me. I stretched out my arms and got up running my hands threw my hair. I walked down stairs and saw Joan drinking water looking on her iPad. "Morning Justin. You and Ariana sure had a night last night." My cheeks turned red and she laughed. "Uhm." I coughed. "Uhh." I saw Ariana walk down the stairs. Her mom told her the same thing and her cheeks turned red as well. We stood there. I rapped my arm around Ariana and she rapped her arms around my waist. It was offiacaly awkward. "Just don't get her pregnant or your dead." She laughed. "Oh my gosh." Ariana out her hands over her face.
We hung out with Lexi and Chaz all day and went to the fair.
okay yes they did and yes it was her first! Then Jariana feels tho.

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