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"Ariana, I'm gonna be leaving in like 6 days...how is that even gonna work." He asked Getting up walking into his room.

"Mistakes." I answered quitely. I walked up to my room. I sat on tumblr and couldn't stop thinking of him.

"How is that even gonna work." Is all that stuck into my head.

I heard my door open. I looked over to see Justin there. "Yes?" I turned my head facing my computer. He didn't answer. I felt to hands rub my thighs.

"Your so beautiful." He sat behind me pulling me close. He gave me the chills and I closed my eyes as he kissed my neck softly. I laid back and he laid down a little over me. I closed my laptop and it fell on the ground.

He was taking off his shirt and the bell rang. Our eyes shot open and I ran downstairs to see who it was.

I flung it open to see Jai standing there. "Hey" He smiled and I let him in. I looked over to Justin who rolled his eyes and walked up to his room.

I had forgot to tell him. I hadn't broken up with Jai. "Jai, This isn't a good time. Come back later..." I pointed to the door and he got up. "Fine. Text me!" He yelled and I closed the door. I sat on the couch thinking.

I slept and I woke up with a noise from Justin's room. I got up and opened his door a little. "Justin.." I whispered. and all I saw was a girl look over at me and he stared at me. "Uh. I'm so sorry." My voice cracked and I shut the door rushing into my room. I laid on the bed. A tear slipped.

Why? Why was I crying? Was I jealous? He wasn't even my boyfriend.

Justin's POV

"Should we keep going?" Alice asked. "No. You should leave.." I softly pushed her off me. She grabbed her stuff leaving. "Bye Justin." She smiled trying to kiss me. I just waved and shut the door. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked into Ariana's room.

"Ariana." I whispered loudly.

I guess she was asleep, she didn't answer.

Ariana's POV

I faked sleeping when he came in. No way I was talking to him.

Next Morning...

I walked down stairs to see Justin watching TV. "Where you going?" He asked. "Why do you care? don't you want me gone so you can fuck another bitch?" I grabbed my car keys and was walking out the door and he stopped me. "FUCK another BITCH?!" "Justin leave me alone." I pushed him and he grabbed my arm. "Listen bitch, I don't just fuck random girls." He tightened his grip and it hurt my arm. My eyes got watery and he loosened and went from mad to worried. "Ariana. I'm sorry." He tried grabbing my hand. I pulled it away and wipped my tears. "Don't EVER talk to me again." I spat and opened the door leaving.

I met up with Demi and I had told her what happened before. She hugged me as I cried. After hours of talking my mind forgot all about Justin.

I arrived home and grabbed all my bags and opened the door to see the house how it was when I left. I walked up to my room opening it. I put all my stuff away and laid on my bed texting Jai.

My door opened and Justin stood there. "What do you want?" I asked sitting up. "To apologize." "Well that's to bad. I don't want to talk to you." he looked and walked over to me. "Here." He handed me flowers. "Sorry." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. By cheeks turned bright red.

I went down stairs and grabbed a vase. I was walking up to my room and Justin stopped me.

"Remember how you told me you liked me?" I nodded. "Well, I feelings for you too." I laughed then answered. "I'm not being with a guy who has sex with random girls he's not with, besides you may have gotten her pregnant." He face went blank. He walked downstairs and I went to my room placing the case next to my bed.

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