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"Welcome Everyone today we have a very special guest, selling more than 100k downloads of her new Album. here's ariana grande!"

I walked out smiling, I waved to my fans and blew kisses.

"Hello!" I smiled. "Hello! How are you doing?" They smiled.

"So, your album is out and you're perfection. The album is perfection."

"Thank you, thank you." "So, who's Only 1 about?" "Wellll, of course my boyfriend. We've been together for about 2 years." "Aw, is he here with you?" "Yes he is." "Do you think he'd mind if he came up on stage?"

"No not at all." They called justin to the stage and he walked out smiling. He hugged the interviewer and then hugged my tightly kissing me.

"Hello." He smiled. "Hello, you're justin right?" She smiled. "Yeah." He chuckled.

"Being Ariana's boyfriend,Is it hard?" She asked as Justin held my hand.

"Sometimes, I love her to death so the hate, the conflict that comes with it doesn't matter." He squeezed my hand.

"Wonderful. You guys are way to cute. So Ariana, what was the most special song to you on my everything?"

"Probably 'My everything', that songs means a lot to me and it's just not to who I love, but to my fans aswell."

"Sounds amazing, okay so I heard you were going to be in a new movie? Is that true?"

"Sadly no, I'm more focused on my Music Career than my Acting. Music makes me happy."

"Ok, so your hair, it's beautiful, long and just the biggest."

"Oh yeah. This hair, it's been through a lot of shit, like dyeing it, every 2 weeks. It killed it. My hair is so ugly down that this is the only way I can do it."

"Nice, okay when we come back were gonna so you exclusive merch and games with the beautiful Ariana Grande. We will be back soon."


Me and justin got into the car and they drove us back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

"Oh god. So many interviews, it's crazy." I laid back on the bed and sighed.

"It's okay. Only one day left and then we can do whatever it is you want to do." He kissed my cheek.

"Thanks. Feel much better." I smiled. "You're welcome." He smirked.


God thing paps weren't such a big problem here in Japan. Justin would have been gonna nuts.

We arrived at the diner, and we sat down.

After eating we sat there and talked for a while. Planning where to head to next.

My phone began to ring and it was my mom,


"Ariana, your grandpa, he's in the hospital." My heart broke and justin stared at me worried. "Uhm, okay we'll be there by tommorrow morning." I ended and justin gave me the "what's going on?"

"My grandma, he's sick again." I held my heart and tried not to cry.

Justin grabbed my hand and we paid and I cried as justin rapped his arms around me paying.

"Shh baby, everything's gonna be okay." He rubbed my back.

"Justin..we.." "I know we have to go." We finished paying and justin held tight onto me as we left the restraunt,

We got into the car and we told the driver we needed to go to the hotel and then back to the plane.

We got up to the hotel and I changed into my clothes. "Baby, you gotta be strong okay?" He helped me pack all my stuff.

One Week With Bieber | (a.g + j.b)Where stories live. Discover now