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I woke up and relized it was 1pm. I grabbed my coat and shoes brushing my hair and putting it up. "Ariana." I looked over at Justin who leaned against the wall. "What?" I said making no eye contact.

"Why were you mad that I was with another girl last night?...Were not dating.."

I looked up with a blank expression. Why did I get mad? I know I thought of this yesterday, but I need to know now. I just needed time to think.

I ignored his question and walked away from him. I grabbed my keys and a water. I turned around and Justin was standing right behind me. "Shit" I put my hand on my heart. "You never answered me back." "Uhmm." How was I suppose to tell him I love him? Like "OH HEY I LOVE YOU."

nope. nope. nope..

"Ariana" I looked up at him. "cause I love you." I mumbled. "Waht?" I smiled and left. Leaving him confused. "YOUR GONNA TELL ME ABOUT IT!!" He yelled. I got to Starbucks and met up with Lexi.

"I love Justin" I said while sitting down. "Wait what?" She raised her eyebrow. "I don't know ever since he's been over I just can't like shiansuejden uhhhhhhh." I put my hands on my forehead. "Awww, Ari and Justin." She smiled I blushed into my hands and smiled. "You loooove himmmm." She sang. "Lexi shhhh." I took a drank of my coffee and we talk for about an hour.

My phone viberatted I picked it up.


Hey! Can you pick me up some cookies when you come back?


Yeah. Chewy?


You know me (;


Alright I have to go I'm with Lexi. (:


Bye cutie. (:


"Who texted you?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Justin, she wants cookies." I laughed. "Cookies? What the hell."


I got home and saw Justin on the couch. "Here's your cookies." I put out my arm giving him the cookies. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto his lap. "Thank you." He kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked away trying not to show that my cheeks were bright red. "Awwww." Lexi walked in holding more bags of food. Justin's head shot up and he looked over at Lexi then down at me. "Justin. This is Lexi." I sat up in his lap. He rapped his arms around my waist. "Hi." He let me go me and Lexi put away the food and Justin just watched us. He had his face in his hands and everytime I looked over at him he smiled. We finished and we all sat down onto the couch.

Lexi Me Justin, is what order. Me and Lexi talked while Justin watched CSI. Which I recommend he doesn't. "Justin do we have to watch this?" He waited then smirked. "I change the channel, ONLY if you give me a kiss." He smiled. "Justin." "Do it!" Lexi chanted. "Come on'" "Fine." I leaned in and Justin put his hand on my cheek. He pulled me closer to him and we made out longer than we should've. I would pull away but I loved it so much. OMG. Then we finnally pulled away. "Well.." Me and Justin looked over at Lexi. Justin put his arm arm around my shoulder. "Aww. You guys are so cute." Lexi held up a picture she PUT ON INSTAGRAM. "LEXI." I grabbed her phone. Justin laughed and my cheeks turned red. "OH MY GOD." I hid my face into Justin's chest.


Lexi had to leave and me and Justin sat there awkward over the kiss. "Soo..Want some cookies?" I nodded and we watched movies. Justin laid down. "Lay down." I laid next To him as we ate cookies while watching mean girls and eating cookies.


Justin -

Ariana fell asleep so I put the cookies down and turnred off the TV. I cuddled her in my arms and she grabbed my hand holding it. I kissed her cheek and she smiled.


VOTE OMFG I JUST WANT THEM TO DATE. LOL I write this and I'm the one saying I want them to date.


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