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The next round of the competition is a live performance where a rapper will be judged by the four producer teams. Each must have at least one pass in order to proceed to the next stage.

Minutes before the show will start, producers started filling into the venue and seated themselves facing the pentagon shaped stage.

They talked amongst themselves before the first rapper comes in.

San E: There's a lot of very good ones this season.
Simon D: And most doesn't come from the underground.
Dok2: Is anyone here other than me excited to see Dill?
All others smiled and nodded.
Zico: We got quite a long list so let's start?

First to come out was Jay who's walking towards the stage like a runway model.
San E: Hello Jay. You know what (he turned to his fellow judges) is it just me, or others feel insecure of this guy's good looks?
Palo: It's just you.
San E: (laughs) Ok, ok... let's just see  what you got!
Jay started smooth with an rnb hook and then rapped, saying he's got the game, all the way to the next stage when he got all four passes.

Next up was Wally who's still so jovial and jumped around the stage making the judges jump in their seats, too with his heavy bass rap.

Zico: The infamous Weenon, why is that?
Weenon: I'm good at making bad things but not all the time, only for the name of Hip Hop.
Simon D: Not that we don't know what it is, but show us now what is bad. Drop the beat!
Curse-filled rap, that is what Weenon did and it is directed to the current general flow of things. His deep voice made everyone feel his heavy protest.

Now it's Pok Ssu's turn who messed up real bad at the start but was able to go through freestyling his way with two passes.

Tannis, while he was waiting for his turn backstage was so loud as he practiced his piece that the judges could hear him. When he came up, he was so nervous that when the beat came up, he wasn't able to join in and asked for it to be played again. San E and VJ had already pressed their button indicating he didn't get their pass. When he was able to start, he keeps messing up and he eventually didn't get the chance.

Five people after that performed and all failed and so the judges are having no fun at all until Minthole came up and rocked the stage with his fast beat rap that sounded like Beenzino. He was rapping about women flocking on to him but he doesn't care about them because he's all for the money.
The Quiett: Really cool, man.
Minthole: Thank you.
He took his medal, bowed and then left the stage.

San E: I swear a number of females have passed auditions but all males have performed until now. Are you placing them last? (To the crew)
His request was granted when Pink came up. She's all this sexy, fierce female rapper.
VJ: Your wish is granted. (Snickers)
San E: Indeed. But hey, show us what we're looking for.
Pink: Sure.
While she's performing, the judges buzzed about her sounding like a black American female rapper, her diction and all. It has a nice sound with her explicit rap about a certain type of man she likes which gained surprised reactions from the judges. She got all four passes.

Another female, Tania, went up next to the stage. She looked timid with her nerdy look.
VJ: I remember you.
Tania: (bowed) I deeply apologize, it was major disrespect.
VJ made a gesture that it doesn't matter and so she went on with her performance. Her hook got them clear, repeating literally "f-word"... and gained all four passes.

And then came Hyu Ra who's total opposite of Pink. She's an innocent high schooler but also got something amazing up her sleeve. She moved on to the next stage with three  passes.

More people performed and passed either with two or three passes, some of them are Fred Jung, Coderay, Arki and Su Kwon.

There are also those who got one pass and almost didn't make it like Samji, Dong Woo, Lee Sin, Jackie and Virus.

One of the last people who performed is Dill.
Dok2: Here we go.
Gray: I'm having goosebumps.
Dill: Hullo.
Palo: We missed you so much, hyung.
Dill: (laughs) I missed you, too, Pal.
Zico: So wow, we're all excited. Show us the legend.
As if it's only natural, he flew with four passes.

More remarkable rappers performed as the last ones who gained four passes like Lazy whose rap beat is the same as his name but changed to LTE speed at the end, Blackjin who rapped harshly about everyone else being below him, brothers Joseph and Tyler Wang who sounded alike but performed differently, and then Oh Boy who's frequent in the US underground.

The second stage concluded well with a total of 48 rappers who will continue on with the competition.

(Interview) The Quiett: They're an amazing bunch. The next stage will be an explosion.
Dok2: Nuclear.
Palo: It will be a tight competition from here on.
Zico: We'll make sure to get only the best ones, like separating silt from stone.
Simon D: Being in the actual competition is actually more exciting than just watching.
Gray: Right. We're also part of the competition, makes us a bit nervous for the rappers sometimes.
San E: I can't wait for the next stage to start.
VJ: And we'll have a hard time by then.
San E: Good luck to us and to them.

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