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Meet Up
Simon D: Chan Bae has a heart of an activist.
Minthole: I can imagine him giving a speech during his performance. (Laughs)
Gray: Jay is the football star?
Blackjin: Yeah, and I'm going to swallow him into my Blackhole.
Simon D: Yeah! Nice one!

The Quiett: I don't get much strong impression from Blackjin.
Chan Bae: Or from Minthole.
Dok2: Let's start preparing for our win.
Jay: I've already prepared something.
Dok2: Okay, let's hear it.

San E VJ
San E: Weenon, you're against a female. (Smiles)
Weenon: No matter, I'm not gonna go easy on her.
VJ: How are we going to work with Deaf Tongue and Lazy pair? (Smiles)
Deaf Tongue: I'm thinking about that, too.
Lazy: Don't stress about that so much. We just got to do our own thing in the same stage.

Dill: Wally ssi, let's have a go. (They started practicing)
Pal: How's your piece?
Tania: I'm done writing but...
Zico: (Looks at her lyrics)(laughs) This is crazy.
Tania: Do I still have to revise some more? My head is aching.
Pal: You're pressured by Weenon?
Tania: No, I'm just scared of him.
Zico: That's worse.

Pal: (While Tania's on stage) It's really great that Tania's not scared anymore.
Zico: She'd really lose against Weenon if she continues to be so.
Dok2: (goes up to the stage and talks to Jay)
The Quiett: He appears stiff on stage.
Dok2: (down the stage) He's not relaxing even one bit.
San E: (gives instructions to Weenon on how to utilize every part of the stage well)
VJ: Deaf Tongue and Lazy are surprisingly working well.
Gray: Minthole decided this soulful performance. I think it fits him.
Simon D: I just hope it will make him win.

The performance will be starting in a few minutes and the venue is starting to fill up with people. Backstage, everyone is at their cool.

Start of performances.

The first match is Chan Bae against Minthole
(Chan Bae's performance)
The Quiett: Chan Bae's enjoying it.
//Host: Minthole ssi, you showed a new side of you. Do you think it can win against Chan Bae ssi?
Minthole: Yes.
Host: How about you, Chan Bae ssi?
Who will win this match?
Chan Bae: It's going to be me.
When the winner is revealed to the two rappers...
(Back Room) Simon D: Ahh, they're good at making poker faces. I don't know who won.
Gray: I have a bad feeling about this.
Dok2: (Chan Bae enters the room) What?
Chan Bae: (smiles)//

The next match is Jay against Blackjin
(Blackjin's performance) Simon D: Money's going up fast. C'mon... c'mon.
//The winner is revealed to the rappers...
The Quiett: Ah, those blank faces.
Simon D: I hope he wins.
Blackjin: (gets inside) I won (laughs).
Minthole: Good job, man.//

Third battle is Dill&Wally vs Deaf Tongue&Lazy
(Deaf Tongue&Lazy Perf)
Pal: They're good.
//The winner is revealed to the rappers...
Zico: Man, what could it be?
San E: (DT&L enters) What's up?
Zico: (hears shouting on the other room) Oh.//

Last battle is the most awaited by the producers: Weenon vs Tania
(Tania's Perf)
Zico: Look at all the people! She could win this.
//Host: Both of you held your own solo concerts. Well, let's see which one the audience liked most.
Winner was shown to the rappers.
San E: She smiled. Shit.
VJ: Losing against her would really embarass him.
Zico: Look at Weenon. I think Tania won.
Tania: (enters) I can't believe it! (Laughs)//

All teams came together to see the results.

Host: First up, AOMG and 1llionaire.

Pal: AOMG team put up better performances.
VJ: It's a close fight.

(The big screen showed the money each team earned and revealed that AOMG lost) Now between Minthole and Blackjin, the one who earned less and will be eliminated from their team is... (the big screen showed that it was Blackjin)

(Interview) Blackjin: I somehow felt bad because I won in my battle but was still eliminated. It's so ironic.

Host: Now, San E VJ team and ZiPal team.

Gray: Tania could make their team win.
Dok2: It's San E VJ team even though Tania ssi possibly defeated Weenon.

(The big screen showed the results and ZiPal team lost) Now it could be that Tania ssi alone or either Dill and Wally will be eliminated.

(The rappers' amounts are running, everyone held their breath until it stopped and showed that Tania earned more.)

Everyone started exiting the hall and Tania couldn't hold it anymore and cried. The camera followed her until she reached the parking lot. She kept avoiding the camera so she was only shot from afar.

(Interview) Zico: Two people at once. It was really harsh.
Tania: (sigh) I really hoped it's me (sigh).

The next challenge is another team battle.

(San E VJ) Deaf Tongue/Lazy vs (1llionaire) Jay
(San E VJ) Weenon vs (1llionaire)
Chan Bae
(ZiPal) Tania vs (AOMG) Minthole

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