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Battle preparations.
AOMG team
Simon D: The one you have to look out for most is Weenon ssi. He can spit venom without an antidote. He can paralyse you if you aren't prepared for him.
Gray: Deaf Tongue and Lazy are also very skilled.
Minthole: Meaning, their whole team is a wall that we have to break.
Blackjin: Why are all of you speaking figuratively?

San E VJ team
San E: Who's the strongest among them?
Weenon: No one. (Laughs)
Lazy: I love that spirit Weenon ssi.
VJ: You can use that to diss them.

1llionaire team
Dok2: It's a good thing we don't get to battle with San E VJ team. They look like they're always ready to fight.
The Quiett: But we're still against ZiPal. Can you diss Tania?
West: We can force ourselves.
(Dok2 and The Quiett laughs)
Chan Bae: We should also prepare against her. She can make it if she really wants to.
Jay: Yeah, imagine performing just after getting discharged.

ZiPal team
Tania: (while writing lyrics; groans) This is so hard!
Pal: (laughs) You can do it!
Zico: (Calls everyone's attention) This is the beat (plays)
Wally: I like it.

Fast forward, each team held their own practices until the day of the team battles came.

Deaf Tongue: We're ready.
Minthole: We have prepared so much and so we can't lose.
Jay: We're so good to go.
Tania: Goodness, I'm really going to do it.

The judges came in: the 14 rappers of this season since after the 1vs1 battles who didn't make it up to this stage.

First battle
San E VJ team versus AOMG team
//Hyura came too weak and didn't give much support as San E VJ team  crashed on them. Blackjin messed up on his lyrics against Deaf Tongue. Minthole was putting up a strong fight against Weenon's harsh ear cracking words followed up by Lazy saying "you can just kill yourself after your embarrassing defeat". Deaf Tongue gives ad libs as answers to what either of the opponents was saying about him.//
~it was a clear win for San E VJ team

Second battle
ZiPal team versus 1llionaire team
//Jay targeted Dill and went too personal when he said that their alleged drug use was true. Dill answered but it was too weak. West targeted Wally and dissed about him being an idol; Wally's bragging answer silenced West. Chan Bae targeted each one of them and mentioned that Tania is a crazy girl in love and brought everything that happened to her upon herself. Everyone was shocked to hear that and thought that Tania would break when she bent her head down but then she laughed and rapped in acapella, calmly, "bringing up my past is a way of saying that you could only beat me yesterday but not today and tomorrow" and faced him when the beat came back.
~ZiPal team wins

Interview of judges
Young Ho: Weenon is really scary. I won't want to cross raps with him.
Tyler Wang: Respect for Minthole.
Samji: Wally ssi, Fighting!
Hyun Jae: It was one of the best battles I've witnessed. Daebak.
Coderay: Deaf Tongue was cool back there.
Jung Hwa: Tania nailed it.
Done: Lazy's lyrics are crazy.
Hanley: I think Chan Bae went too far.
Joseph Wang: Good job everyone! Whohoo!

Host: We just had such a heated battle and now it's time for AOMG team and 1llionaire team to lose one of your members.

AOMG ~Hyura is eliminated
(Interview) Hyura: I think it's time for me because I haven't been doing great in the past challenges. AOMG fighting!
1llionaire ~West is eliminated
(Interview) West: (shakes head) I still didn't make it (smiles). But I'll still support my team.

The next challenge is team battle performances. Automatically, AOMG team will battle with 1llionaire team with two members. And San E VJ team will battle with ZiPal team with their three members.

AOMG vs 1llionaire will have 1vs1 battles
San E VJ vs ZiPal will have one 1vs1 battle and one two-member team battle.

The judges from the last challenge have voted who for each team did the best.

AOMG: Minthole
1llionaire: Chan Bae
San E VJ: Weenon

This will decide who will battle who.
Minthole vs Chan Bae
Blackjin vs Jay
Weenon vs Tania
Lazy&Deaf Tongue vs Dill&Wally

Simon D: It's crazy. The best ones are going against each other.
San E: This is going to be explosive! (Laughs)
Minthole: Chan Bae ssi is one that I've always wanted to battle with.
Chan Bae: He's a strong opponent. But I'll defeat him.
Weenon: I'm placed to fight against a female (laughs). Well, it's inevitable, we're the best among the genders. She has come a long way but this will be the end for her.
Tania: Weenon? Oh... I'm scared of him. Everytime he performs, I feel like he's calling all the demons to him because of his constant cursing.

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