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Every producer have already worked with each other during the past seasons so they might know how each team would perform but there is always a space for changes and surprises.

During rehearsal of AOMG team, Loco and Ugly Duck was there to bring more life to the performance.

The Quiett: The AOMG crew is here to support their boss.
Dok2: Watch out for the 1llionaire Gang to Turn Up the heat.

During 1llionaire rehearsal, Beenzino was there to complete the gang.

Zico and Paloalto watched calmly as the other teams bring forth their cards. They went up to the stage to rehearse with only themselves.

San E and VJ was next to rehearse, they also brought no one as a guest. They said they don't need it.

The time for their performance finally came. The place around the stage started filling up. The rappers came inside and stayed on the upper narrow terrace area on the side of the stage. The performers were watching the happenings on a monitor and they were somehow nervous as the rappers all looked serious except for some.

The first performer was called then: the AOMG team.
Wally: I've always idolized Simon D hyung and his style. I might go for their team seeing how amazing they are up close and personal.
Tami: I can't decide! I haven't seen all of them, yet.

The next was the 1llionaire gang.
Minthole: I like their style and I can actually see myself working with them.
Bugs: They're so cool... So cool.
Jay: I was thinking of going to AOMG but after seeing the 1llionaire gang, I can't be really sure.

The third was the ZiPal team.
Hyura: They're so full of spunk! Wow!
Dill: I know now where I'll go (smiles)
Joseph Wang: My brother said he'll go to AOMG so I thought I'll pick another team and ZiPal is that other team.
Hyun Jae: Team ZiPal I think is the best team and it's not impossible for me to join them.

The last team to perform was the San E & VJ team.
Kit: Hyper.
Lazy: After seeing everyone, they made the last impression on me because they were the last to perform. I'm too lazy to think of those who came before. I think I'll go with them.
Baek Ji: They're really something. San E the Rap Genius and Verbal Jint King of Flow. I'd like to learn from them.
Weenon: I'm excited.

Deaf Tongue: Just any team would do. The most important thing is for a team to choose me.

The day of the choosing came and everyone was excited and nervous at the same time. A producer team together with the very few who decided to join them could get elmiminated if not at least 4 people have joined them.

Interview for the producers

Simon D: We have our eyes on Chan Bae, Minthole
Gray: and Tania.
Simon D: The fourth one could be just anyone.

Dok2: Dill, Chan Bae... Lazy
The Quiett: As long as we have Chan Bae and Dill, we're cool.

Zico: Uh, (laughs) Chan Bae must choose us.
Paloalto: And Wally.

San E: Blackjin, Weenon, these two are so full of spunk.
VJ: But as to skill, we want Dill and Chan Bae.

The team to have the privilege of choosing their team members first is the team who got most votes from the audience during their performance. Each team actually prepared freebies in front of them: shirts, caps, rings, jackets.

The ranking is as follows:

AOMG with 179 votes
San E & VJ with 15 votes
1llionaire with 4 votes
ZiPal with 2 votes

Zico: (laughs) thank you to those two people.

So AOMG gets the privilege of choosing their members first from the 26 rappers.

Jay Park and Gray took steps back and talked about it. When they finally agreed, they stepped forward.
Simon D: Ok, we've decided.
Host: Now who's the first one?
Simon D: Minthole ssi.
Host: Minthole, do you want to join AOMG team?
Minthole: Yeah! (he shouted and ran up the stage towards AOMG team who gave him an AOMG ring.
Host: Next one?
Gray: Chan Bae ssi.
Everyone looked at Chan Bae and some producers looked at the AOMG team. They realized that they actually want the same person to join their team.
Host: What's your decision, Chan Bae ssi?
Chan Bae: (bowed down) I'm sorry, I have to decline.
Other producers smiled.
Jay Park: Tania ssi.
Tania: Ah, I'm sorry (bowed repeatedly)
Host: It's okay now, Tania ssi. Everyone respects your decision.
Tania: (stopped bowing and then fixed her hair and glasses)
San E: Gah, so cute. (laughs with other producers)
Gray: Blackjin (joins them)
Simon D: Dill (rejects; 1llionaire and SanEVJ team relaxed)
Gray: Hyura (accepts)
Jay Park: The last one would be Arki (accepts)
Host: Team AOMG is now complete with Minthole, Blackjin, Arki and Hyura

Next to choose their members are San E and Verbal Jint. The two talked first before stepping forward.
San E: Weenon, we want you.
Host: What's your decision Weenon ssi?
Weenon: I'm glad to join you. (He went up the stage and received a jacket from them)
VJ: Next is Dill ssi.
Dill: (bows down) I'm sorry. (Dok2 and The Quiett looked at each other)
San E: Chan Bae.
Chan Bae: (bows down) I'm sorry. (The two remaining producer teams are beaming)
San E: Hanley (accepts)
VJ: Deaf Tongue (accepts)
San E: Wally (ZiPal team froze)
Wally: (bows) I'm sorry. (ZiPal team relaxed)
VJ: Lazy ssi (accepts)
Host: San E and Verbal Jint team: Weenon, Deaf Tongue, Hanley and Lazy

Next up, 1llionaire team.
Dok2: We're having a shot at this. Chan Bae ssi.
Chan Bae: (smiles) Finally. (He goes up the stage and received an 1llionaire cap) (Dok2 and The Quiett can't be happier at the moment)
The Quiett: Dill ssi.
Dill: (bows) I'm sorry for the third time. (ZiPal beamed)
Dok2: Lee Sin (accepts)
The Quiett: West ssi (accepts)
Dok2: Hyun Jae (rejects)
The Quiett: Jay ssi (accepts)
Host: The final Dok2 and The Quiett team: Chan Bae, Jay, West and Lee Sin

The last one to pick their members, ZiPal team who had already decided after a long time of waiting.
Host: The rappers remaining here have their hopes on you ZiPal team.
Paloalto: Dill ssi
Dill: (bows; everyone was so surprised) Thank You (he made everyone panic at the thought of him declining and not proceeding to the next stage. He goes up the stage and received his ZiPal shirt)
Zico: You almost got us into a heart attack! (Laughs)
Paloalto: Next is Wally ssi
Zico: Hyun Jae ssi!
Wally: (laughs and runs up to the stage) Man, Thank you, I risked declining before, hoping that you would pick me.
Hyun Jae: We're on the same boat again (fist bumps with Wally)
Zico: Last is... Tania.
Tania: (clearly surprised as she quickly looked up to ZiPal) Me?
Zico: Yeah, you! (Laughs)
Tania: (walks up to them) Thank you. Oh my goodness.
Host: Final ZiPal team: Dill, Hyun Jae, Wally and Tania

Now that the teams are formed, the next challenge was given to them. Team Performance, the one who doesn't do well in each team will be eliminated by the team producer.

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