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Practices and Rehearsals
Everyone in San E VJ team is on their game. Deaf Tongue and Lazy are practicing the same song. San E & VJ are closely watching the two of them. At the rehearsal, Weenon went crazy with his rap about rap losers. a rock band was there to back his performance.

Chan Bae is on his game as he rapped around the practice room. At the rehearsal, Jay's problem is still the same and so Dok2 pointed it out again to him.

Minthole after losing once doesn't want to lose again especially against a female. And if he loses this time, his team will be out of the competition. He discarded the idea of doing soulful rap again and went back to his witty lyrics. At the rehearsal, his producers are satisfied with what he is doing.

Tania had finally recovered from being saddened so much and worked on her performance. Zico and Paloalto was satisfied of her another original song after listening to it. At the rehearsal stage, she performed unlike before. Her badass rap surprised everyone.


The audience went wild especially the ladies when finally the show started with Jay's sexy rap. Hot dancers were around him and he frequently lifts up his shirt showing his abs.
Dok2: Thankfully he's not being stiff anymore. See, he could be really good!
Chan Bae: Man, if it's me, I wouldn't be able to keep my cool around those dancers.
The Quiett: Really?
Chan Bae: I'm a shy guy around hot girls. I know I have to grow up and be a man. (Dok2 & The Quiett laughs)

The next performance was Deaf Tongue's club party rap. He was chosen by San E & VJ over Lazy. The audience jumped around like they're out partying. His team at the back room was doing the same as well.

After Deaf Tongue's performance, Jay was called out again.
Host: Deaf Tongue ssi you transformed the place into a club, you think you'll win against Jay's rap that drove the ladies crazy?
Deaf Tongue: It's highly possible.
Host: You think so otherwise, Jay ssi?
Jay: Of course.
They looked up and the result was shown to them.
Jay: (enters his team's back room) Yeah!
San E: (hears the shouting at the other room) You lost to his abs? (Smiles)
Deaf Tongue: Could be.
Weenon: It's my turn. Don't fret man, I'm gonna break their other guy.

Next battle is Weenon vs Chan Bae. The first to perform is Weenon who went crazy with the rock band. People sang along to his hook and shouted his name when he asked for it.

Chan Bae's rap is about love in all forms. Every word in his lyrics makes sense and are utmost deep. Some parts are revolutionary and some just    makes people pause and think about it. His beat is slow but the flow of words and meaning is fast.
The Quiett: Lyrics-wise, he's better than Weenon.

Weenon was called out and the result was shown to them. Weenon couldn't hide his smile.
VJ: I think he won.
Weenon: (enters) I told you! Yeah!

The next battle is a survival battle for each team. Tania vs Minthole.
Minthole performed first and entertained everyone with his bragging rap. He mentioned that winning against a female isn't glorious but still he's going to say sorry in advance.
Gray: I didn't hear that from him during the rehearsals. He meant that as a surprise then?
Simon D: Definitely. He must be thinking about absolutely not losing to her while he's making his piece.

Everyone had to wait, for Tania only came out when the beat started. They all cheered when she started  her badass rap about being the grim reaper of disgusting raps ('You better not let me hear them or I'll kill you'). Her deep voice matched her language which is more mature now but still never cursed.
Simon D: I'm having goosebumps.
Pal: She has grown.
Zico: You sound like her father (laughs)

Minthole was called out for the results
Host: Minthole ssi, was that apology part of your rap for Tania?
Minthole: Yeah, it is.
Host: Tania ssi, what can you say about it?
Tania: He doesn't have to say sorry.

The result was revealed to them.
Zico: Oh! She looked surprised.

All teams were gathered for the results.
Host: San E VJ team and 1llionaire team (The big screen showed the amount earned by each team. Numbers were changing until they stopped. It showed that San E VJ team earned more) Now between Chan Bae ssi and Jay ssi, the one who'll be eliminated is (the amounts earned started running and stopped) Chan Bae ssi.

(Interview) Chan Bae: (sigh) it's how it is.

Now that 4 rappers are only remaining, SMTM is nearing its end with the semifinals as the next round.

Host: The one who gets to decide the match ups is the one who earned the most money from the last  challenge. Weenon ssi...

Weenon stood up, took his picture and placed it on a blank box under the second round. On the first round, he placed Deaf Tongue's photo against Tania and Jay's photo against his.

The semifinal battles will be:
Tania vs Deaf Tongue
Jay vs Weenon

(Interview) Weenon: It's ideal. Jay for me, is the weakest among the four. I'll defeat him and the finals will either be only between rappers from San E VJ team or a rematch between me and Tania. Either way, it's going to be a blast.

In the semifinal battles, the rappers will collaborate with other artists and make an original song.

Deaf Tongue will collab with Verbal Jint
Weenon will collab with San E
Jay will collab with Hyolyn
Tania will collab with Zico

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