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One day before performance.

(Interview) Pal: Tania didn't show up for the practices and we were worried about what could've happened to her but the producer informed us that she has a fever and is staying at home to rest. So we just let her.
Zico: We don't know if she's working on her performance but I hope she did and show up tomorrow.

Hours before the performance, the rehearsal was held. Only Tania didn't show up.

The rehearsals were cut after everyone had their turn. They are now preparing for their performance. The hall was started to fill up with people. At the backmost part, sat the producers.  In one room, the rappers all waited.

The first to perform was
//story: had almost died when told he can't play football anymore after a car accident but strived hard to recover and now continues to play with the national team//
Deaf Tongue
//as he was rapping, it created a buzz on the audience as well on the producers's part of the hall.
Dok2: He's the son of _____?
San E: (nodded) we were also shocked when we knew.
Jay Park: Wah...//
//story: he cursed his life until he got into the world of rap. He's born poor in the outskirts of the country and doesn't plan to die that way.//
Chan Bae
//story: got expelled from his first university because of his loud protests with other students in front of the univ's admin building.//
//story: the alleged drug use, the disbandment, new life as  physics teacher, and coming back to retrieve his past glory//
//story: girls hating her because of her popularity among the guys of her school and how they get scary sometimes.//

Everyone's story was unveiled except Tania's.
Host: Wow, what amazing performances... (there was a buzz in the audience area)... It seems that one of the rappers won't be able to show her solo performance, which means that you can now... (just then, the crowd cheered as Tania climbed up the stage and bowed in front of the host; saying sorry) Everyone, let's welcome on stage, Tania!

Tania: (bowed again) I'm sorry I made you all wait. I just got discharged. (breathing hard; just then a bottle of water  from the audience was held towards her. She took it and drank the whole bottle) Wow, thank you.
"Sorejilo (scream) Sorry G. Sorejilo (scream) Sorry G. I am sorry..."
//story: got convicted at 18 years old because of her boyfriend's murder. She got out after 2 years after it was proven that what she did was for self defense. He was very possessive of her and had locked her in his basement. He caught her while she was attempting to escape and beat her up. She fought and that's when she accidentally killed him. While she was in prison, her mother got depressed and committed suicide. When she got out, she has no family left to go home to. A nun brought her  home and she stayed and worked for 5 years in the nunnery but didn't study to become a nun. She says sorry to her God because she stayed with a worthless guy, if she had left earlier, she wouldn't have her hands tainted with his blood.
(The crowd was silent but then sang along with her hook at the end)

The audience then started placing their votes before leaving the venue.

Producer Interview

VJ: I think everyone did well, not a single mistake.
San E: One who really struck me is Tania not just because there was a lot of drama from her absences, her entrance, her story, it's because she still does amazingly well even though she still looks sick. She's holding up strong.
The Quiett: Tania ssi is really something.
Dok2: I don't know if it's because of her fever but I didn't know she could make her voice rough. I remember Bobby's style of rapping. It's slightly the same.
Simon D: I saw that each one put in their best in their performances. I think Minthole, Weenon, Dill and Tania are really amazing.
Gray: Tania ssi did really well.
Pal: Ahh, if I could cast a vote, I'd give it to Tania.
Zico: She's the bravest. (Slow clap)

The day came to reveal the ranking.

1. Chan Bae (79)
2. Dill (56)
3. Weenon (46)
4. Tania (45)
5. Deaf Tongue (21)
6. Minthole (14)
7. Lazy (12)
8. Blackjin (10)
9. Wally (7)
10. Jay (5)
11. West (3)
12. Hyura (2)

1st ZiPal 108
2nd 1llionaire 87
3rd San E VJ 79
4th AOMG 26

The next challenge is team battles.
The average votes from the last challenge will decide who will battle who. San E VJ team will battle with AOMG team and ZiPal team will battle with 1llionaire team. The losing teams will eliminate one member from their team.

Host: It will be a team diss battle. (Laughs) Everyone have mixed reactions. Tania ssi...
Tania: Ye (smiles)
Host: You look like you don't want to do it.
Tania: Ah, it's because... 5 years in the nunnery have made me avoid doing it... but I know I have to do it here eventually so I think I need to prepare myself for my team. (Bows to her team mates) Please be patient with me. (everyone laughs)
Chan Bae: Tania ssi, don't bow before the diss battle starts, okay? It will really turn out funny.

Simon D: I can't really imagine her dissing another.
Gray: She looks too kind and innocent.
Zico: (laughs)
Jay: I might diss everyone in ZiPal team but not her. If I do that, I'd really feel guilty.
West: I've never dissed a woman before and I think I will hesitate this time. (Laughs)
Tania: They don't want to diss me? (Laughs)

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