Ch. 2

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As I feel my face get flustered I attempt to change the subject and mood, "No..not at all." I said as I feel my heart skip a beat as I say the word of lies then I start to feel my cheeks turn a rosy red. "Then why are your cheek turning red?" She said brining her face close to mine. "Because it's just..uhh really hot in here." I said feeling as nervous as ever. "Hmm..okay. If you say so but now that you've brought him up, you have to come meet him. He's very nice but doesn't talk a lot. You have been warned," She said glancing at me.
  Peach took my hand and pulled me over to the group of 3 including Link. "Zelda, Link and Ganon, Meet Pit! He's a new comer! Isn't he the cutest, Zelda?" Peach said as she squealed. "He is adorable! Especially, for a angel! Haha!" the brown haired princes said as she took the Pit into a warm embrace, but for some reason Pit felt uncomfortable standing at her feet. "What do you think Link and Ganon?" She said looking at them. Link and Ganon just chuckled. "Well I'm gunna go show him around." Peach said cheerfully. "I don't mine showing him." Link said as he looked at me smiling.
    "I'll be back later for the match. Who is it again?" Link asked which was weird because he mostly looked at me but how was I supposed to know. "It's Marth and Ike VS. Snake and Capt. Falcon." Zelda said as she kissed Link on the cheek. "Link, make sure you don't get into any trouble, hero!" She said putting her hands on her hips and leaning into Link's face. "I won't, I won't! Don't worry!" Link said pushing Zelda away. "I've heard those words before." She said rolling her eyes. "Because I've had to tell you sooo many times!! If he's gets in trouble Pit, just call for me anyway see you two later at the match." Zelda said as she walked away as Peach followers her. When Peach followed Zelda, Peach looked back and winked at me.
Mid silence goes between Link and I as we walk down a gigantic hall. "So, Pit. What do you like to do?" Link said as he put his hands in his pockets. "Um..I-I like to fly." I said as I was keeping my eyes on the ground which is already making things awkward between us. "Cool, I do to." He said. 'Why do I feel all ticklish inside? Is this normal?'  The Hylian said Inside his head feeling very skeptical.
"Are you and Zelda..a thing?" I said as I feel my face turn a bit pink. "Well, no where just friends." Link said shuffling his light brown boots on the ground. "Oh, so your not taken?" I said as I though the question sounded better in my head. "Um, why?" Link said glancing at me through the corner of his eye. "No reason.." I said as I let my hair fall over my face. "Are you excited for your dorm partner?" He said keeping his hands in his pockets.
"I don't really care, I want it to be somebody whose nice,sweet, quiet, friendly, I going into to much detail?" I said nervously.
"No, no carry on." Link said as he didn't seem to mind.
"Do you have a girl friend?" Link said as I seem shocked.
"Nope, not the last time I checked, why?" I seemed very suprised that Link asked me that. " reason." After Link said that I looked at him and saw his checks turn a pink rose pedal color. "Are you blushing?" I said standing in front of Link on my tippy toes to look at his face. "N-No why would you think that?" He said pulling away from my face and hides his cheeks under his dirty blond hair.
"Link..are you, okay? You seem warm? And you never seem warm around Zelda. Do you have a temperature?" I said concerningly Link just stood as no words escaped his lips and no message was shared. Why do I feel so..bubbly when i'm around this angel? He's just like any other Smash character.. what's my problem?!
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