'Just Friends' (3)

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"Link, do you need to tell me something?" I said softly so he wouldn't seen forced. "Um..well I kind-" Link stopped when the intercom came on "Team Fire Vs. Team Ice is now going onto battle." Said Master Hand.  "I better tell you later.." Link said in a sad voice. "You promise?" I said holding up my pinky. "Of course!" He said crossing his pinky with mine, after that we both chuckled and ran to the arena.
Link and I sat next to each other as we watched the game begin. It was interesting because Ike and Marth are from the same game but Snake and Capt. Falcon aren't. All I can see is Ike and Marth winning so far. Finally, after a few minutes of the match I hear "Game!" Coming from Master Hand, I look out onto the stage to see Marth and Ike still standing.
     I finally hear the crowd go wild from the battle. "That was a tense game!" Link said smiling and clapping happily. "Yeah.." I said as I hid my head and clapped my hands. "Well, let's go find our rooms now. I bet Master Hand already has the dorm rooms." Link said getting up and walks out of his seat as I follow him.
Link and I sprint to the sign where all the Brawlers were to see their room mate. "Pit! Pit!" I hear coming from the crowd and its Peach waving her hand like no ones business. "Yes, Peach?" I say very politely. "Your rooming with.." She quietly whispered in my ear. "..Link." After she said this I felt my heart pumping harder then ever. "Well, who?" Link said looking puzzled. "Your rooming with Pit, Link! How exciting is that!?" Peach said squealing and jumping up and down. "Hey, not bad!" Link said friendly patting my shoulder. When he does this all I feel is my face turn a bit pink as I just smile.
"I'm happy we don't have to carry or bags to our room." I said with my hands in my pockets as we walked. "Yeah, I have a lot of stuff in my bag. I just hope the Yoshi's don't look through them." The Hylian says. "Yeah, I completely agree." I said as we kept walking. 'I think I have my notebook in there..uh oh.'
"Do you snore, Pit?" Link asks me. "Not that I know of. Do you?" I said shuffling my feel on the redish-brownish carpet. "Ahh..sorta. Only when I'm in a good dream. Do you know what I mean?" Link said chuckling as he looks at me. "Haha, yeah."
    "Well, we're here." Link says as he opens the door with the triforce and a arrow simble on it. I walk into the room to see a big living room, and I see three doors. "Here Pit, this is your room." Link says as he walks to the right room and opens the door. When I walked inside I felt a tingly feeling down my spine. I look up to see a built in fireplace, flat screen TV, movies, game cube games, Wii games, and a big warm bed. "Wow!! This is huge!" I look back at Link, "This is alllll mine!" I say in a cheerful jumpy voice. "You bet! All yours! The Yoshi's are gunna drop out bags off in 30 minutes so feel free to make yourself at home. I'll be in my room, just tell of you need something." He said as he walked into his room.

   A few hours pasted and I unpacked my bags and started to feel a bit home sick but I didn't tell Link because I would be scared he would freak. 'Don't tell him. He'll just worry about you. Plus, he only sees you as a friend.' I look out my window to see white clouds that remind me of my home; SkyWorld. I feel my eyes start to tear up as I look out my window. I finally let it all lose and cry my pain away. Even though I cried I didn't feel any better. At this moment, all I wanted was a friend. I finally lay on my big bed and hid my head in my knees and quietly cried..
(To be continued..)

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