Just 'Friends' (17)

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•Song for this mood:
'If you say so' Lea Michele•
Link's POV
It's been days and i haven't seen any sign of Pit. I can't help but think that something bad has happened to him. "Pit..please be okay."

   Nobody's POV
Link walked into the Angel's room hoping to find him. Link has done this multiple times before but it never seemed to work. He missed him so much that his heart start to hurt mentally and physically. He fell down by the edge of Pit's bed crying. Crying like he never has before. His eyes were pure red from crying so much. His head and heart hurt so badly. He just wanted his angel. Little did he know that his closest friends, Peach, Ike, and
Marth were outside the door listening.

"What are we gunna do.." Peach said holding her hands together trying not to cry. "I-I don't know.." Marth said finally letting it all out and turned to Ike and started crying on his chest. "We need to find Pit. I can't watch Link be this sad. It hurts to just watch. He's never out of his room and when ever you walk by you always hear him crying." Ike lightly stroked the prince's hair trying to comfort him. Peach quietly knocked on the door hoping that Link would answer.

   Minutes passed and no one answered.  "You boys are lucky that i'm handy with a boby pin." Peach said as she took a bony pin out of her hand and picked the lock. After a couple of seconds she opened the door. They all walked inside seeing everything perfectly normal. "Link.." Peach said scanning the room for him. She looked around and found the door to Pit's room. Peach opened the door seeing Link kneeling by the bed weeping. She slowly walked over to him and rubbed his back trying to comfort him. "This is all my fault.." Link said holding one of Pit's tunic's that he got from a drawer. He nuzzled his face into the tunic smelling his love's angel like scent that was slowly starting to fade of Pit's natural scent.

   Pit's POV
I wake up and see Roy standing in front of me. I try to stand and realize my legs are still weak. "Roy..w-what happened?" I say trying not to cry because I was in so much pain. "Nothing to worry about my precious angel." He said walking towards me and keeping his face just centimeters away from mine. "What do you want..", I say close to shedding a tear. "Wow, your already crying. This is working better then i thought." He said chuckling. My breathing slowly increased and I look down and sees red all over the tunic that was nearly grey from all the dirt and dust from getting dragged everywhere. I feel a throbbing pain in my side and try to stay strong.

Suddenly, I hear something in the other that got my attention and it also did with Roy's. He stood up and walked into the hall then eyeing me down again, "If you say a thing..off with your head." He said in a threatening tone which made me shake more then I already am. I hear break swords hitting against each other one after another.

Minutes pass and I feel someone close to me but i don't open my eyes to afraid to see who it is. Unexpectedly, my hands drop to the ground as I hear the metal break and I realize that my chains were broken. I bring my hands to my dirty face and start weeping harden then I ever have before. Then I feel everything go black.

Link's POV
I get a phone call at 2am and answer it because it's not like I was asleep. I haven't sleep for the past several nights. Just a couple 2-3 hours of sleep here and there but I still feel sick to my stomach. "Hello?" I say in the phone trying to sound awake. "Are you Link?" I hear a lady say in the phone which starts to concern me. "Yes, that's me."

"We found Pit." She said in the gentlest tone she can say. I gasp and feel my heart start to beat again. "W-Where is he?!" I say getting up from my bed. "At the hospital. You can come see him." I ended the call and put on a jacket and got over there as fast as I could. I could feel nervousness course through my veins as I arrived at the hospital.

I walked in seeing many nurses look at me. I get confused when one nurse walks up to me and says, "Your Link aren't you?" She said sadly smiling. I nod hoping that my imagination hasn't gotten the best of me. She took my hand which was warm and soft and led me to a room which's door was closed. Two doctors walk out of the room and sadly smile at me.

"Link..before you see Pit..we found Pit unconscious and when you were on your way over..his heart couldn't take losing all that blood. He lost most of his blood and even though we had an IV hooked up to him..he was into much pain and well..passed before you could get here. You can still see him though.." she said as Link saw a tear from the nurses eye and he rushed into the room gasping at what he saw.

His beloved angel laying on a hospital bed not breathing, not living, not dreaming. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the bed staring down at his best friend, his love, his soulmate. He laid his head down on the angel's chest and cried and cried the hardest he'd ever cry.

After a minute or two he heard beeping coming from one of the nearby machines and he looked up to see a heart beat on the machine then suddenly he felt fingers ruffle through his hair. He looked at the angel and saw a living angel smiling warmly at him. "Hello beautiful..," Pit said leaning in close to the Hylian's face, "miss me?" He said as soon as he felt a tight grasp around him, "I love you, please don't leave ever again." He heard the Hylian say and the angel simply smiled and hugged the Hylian back and gently kissed his forehead and smiled.

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