The Interview (part 2)

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"Why are you so afraid for me to get to know you?" he stared at me curiously

"You don't want to get to know a girl like me.... People. They. Wanna eat me"

"What the hell? are you still on LSD" he ask as the back of his hand was on my forehead.

"Of course I am" I move away from his touch, scratching my arm.

He looks like he's about to say something but then Sarah peeks hee head through the small creek and informs Pierce that its almost time for his interview, as he gives me his back I quickly slip out a little packet and sniff some before putting it back in my pocket when he turns to look at me.

I smile at him and he frowns. I squint my eyes at him and he says "You got a little something right there" he points under my noise and I panickly rub at it with my sleeve.

I laugh it off and he tells me to stop getting into the sugar can. I agree and for a moment we just stand there awkwardly. Finally he says farewell "I'll talk to you later Dakota" he assures and slides a finger down my cheek before walking away.

I meet Peggy in the hall way and as we walk she pats her pockets frantically. "Wtf have you seen my coke" she says.

I look at her sheepishly and she says "Aha!" And wipes off some from my lip

"Damnit" I mutter

"Quilty" she sing songs

"I just found them in my jeans. I thought it was Lucas and decided to take a sniff like I would do in my childhood days.." I shrug.

She looks down "Bitch those my jeans!" I realize I'm wearing Peggy's big hippy pants and they seem to have a shit stain in the back. I knew I didn't sit on chocolate.

"And your wearing my jeans" I accuse. My jeans cling onto her skin and her stomach hangs out. I make a face.

"I think I look pretty sexy" she shrugs and then licks the coke off her finger that she picked up from my lip.

She laughs wildly.

After switching back to our clothes, we all go to hop into the car with Sarah to meet Pierce over there.

On our way over there, we come across a couple holding hands on the side walk. There girl hella looks like Chuckie no lie, with her red ass hair and some dirty blonde dude who looks like one of those hill billies you'd see in Tennessee, the girl turns her head and gives me the stink eye.

I shoot her a bewildered look before shrugging 'probably just some homeless people'


We stopped at this crystal building that looked like a huge ball, there was an odd guy with a pineapple shirt and pineapple shaped head. He came up and greeted pierce who stood signing some contracts at the front desk and said "Hey what's your Instagram?" eyeing Pierce and biting his lip. You can see his nipples through his shirt. They kind of looked like balonis and smelled like them too oh wait never mind that is just Peggy's sausage she's eating next to me, I wonder how she got that but Peggy is full of surprises after all.

"I don't have social media" Pierce makes a face.

"That's unfortunate" Pineapple head says clutching his crotch.

I feel sudden jealousy and decide to intervene "Yeah that is unfortunate since he's not gay" I say going next to pierce.

"I'm not gay bitch I'm bi" Pineapple responds.

"Woah woah don't call her a bitch at least she doesn't wear pineapples on her shirt " Perce accuses defending me.

"Whatever I have Crater anyway" Pineapple says and walks away in his awkward feminine walk.

"Well that was fucking gay" Sarah says and then she kisses Peggy.

Peggy then directions herself to me coming closer and I stare at her weirded out and Pierce stops her "To bad she's not gay like you guys" he says.

"Mr. Greywaters they will see you now" a midget man with a tuxedo says.

"Shoot that's my cue" Pierce stalks for the door.

We see him on screen as they are shooting this live.

A girl asks him "So we have been seeing you around with this Native girl, she seems very exotic for your taste I mean look at the color of her Skin"

"My tastes are very singular" he shifts in his seat rubbing his thigh.

"So you are not in a relationship with this fella runaway?" The girl questions intrigued.

"I don't do romance... I fuck. Hard" He leans in a little as if his eyes could find me anywhere even though there is no way he can see me. Peggy faints at this and falls to the ground.

Suddenly, Reggie appears scratching his ass walking around like a bear as he's shouts "mine! mine!" like a savage animal his retarded looking eyes staring into my cells. He then hops into the screen and claws Pierces eyeball out and it rolls towards my direction but then Sarah appears with a golf club and scores it sending it flying away into the air when these two dudes who look like they are on acid are wondering around so the eyeball hits the Muslim looking dude on the forehead, knocking him backwards and the fat one leans down and picks up the eyeball chewing on it.

But, all of it disappears from my view as I snap out of it with Sarah is in my face saying "mine mine" to The golf club perched just behind me ummmm... That is weird. Wow what the heck though it seemed so vivid.

Though, the boys I imagined in my dream, appeared in reality goofing off. I hear the fat one say "Dude I want go there!" And hubs a finger to the Muslims for head which looks slightly swollen. I shake my head what is going on....

A janitor walks by scratching his ass and Peggy cringes "My ass is better than that" she remarks.

I panic ignoring her this means....

If everything is happening almost similarly...

I need to save Pierce! Can't have an eyeball rolling around.

I rush to the door ignoring the calls from Peggy and Sarah saying "Where the hells this bitch going"

The midget guard tries to stop me but we end up in somehow in an awkward position me trying push his face away as he struggles with my body. He only reaches to my stomach so I flask him on his chin and he moves away crying "What the hell woman! I barley got plastic surgery!" He whines.

Entering the room Pierce is taking smugly with some important looking people as he shakes hands with them. Well I see he is alright and I let out a sigh of relief. He sees me from the corner of his eyes and does a double take "Dakota?" He questions.

"Um... I just came to um get your autograph" I invent.

And his eyebrows raise in question but he smiles some at my sneaky behavior.

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