I squint an eye open and the blinding light welcomes my sight. I quickly shut it again and slowly get up.
I put a hand to my throbbing head.
"Ugh how long was I asleep" I mutter to no one in particular.
Someone roles over on my other side "5 days" they reply sleepily.
I realize its Peggy and I watch as she gets up in her tighty whities while letting out a fart in the process, she proceeds to the bathroom.
"Oh hey your awake" Pierce grins as he leans by the door.
I snap my head to him.
"Yeah. What the hell happened?" I groan.
"You got hit in the head by that one crazy chick. Don't worry though it was on accident" he says.
"Yeah i tried to get the fucking rat and then i hit you! I was like oh shit" she giggles nervously appearing behind him with the broom still in her hands.
I frown Woah she just appeared
"Well watch it next time sarah!" I scold.
"I'm sorry! she told me she was single" she holds out her palms in mock surrender.
"Um what?"...
"Wait what?" she says with a serious expression.
"What are you talking about" I laugh.
"I don't know I'm gonna go" she leaves awkwardly.
"They offered her a brownie and I think she's still on acid or some shit" Pierce gestures behind him.
"Sir would you like me to help the ma'am with anything?" appears a maid, with her hands clasped behind her back.
He even has maids? Who IS this dude?
Suddenly the thought that i don't even know him and im in his house has got me all freaking out.
Shit. I need to get peggy and skiddaddle! Asap.
I can feel his piercing stare on me as he tells the maid that he wont need her services at the moment.
I hope he doesn't see through my panicking demeanor.
"Um. I need to use the bathroom" I blurt out.
"Okay well the bathrooms down the hall" he has his arms crossed and his looking at me with a curious expression.
I get off the bed and look everywhere besides him, as i pass by him he suddenly clasps my arm.
I jump a little in surprise.
"You okay" he furrows his eyebrows.
"I'm great" I force a smile.
I shove past him and continue my search for peggy instead of going to the bathroom.
I grab my shoes and jacket that..somehow ended up the floor? and spot peggy talking with that one chick sarah.
"Yeah and I was like WHAT THE FUUCK" sarah waves a fist frantically
Peggy's holding her belly "Your one funny chick you know that" she pats her on the shoulder.
I pull her away "Peggy? We need to leave"
She looks at me quizzically "Why? We are having so much fun. I mean would you look at the size of this place. I gotta say you picked a keeper" she winks.
"So dakota tell me about your sex life with Pierce" Sarah appears nudging me.
I shake my head at her and shove Peggy my stuff to hold "Oh yeah it was great we stayed up all night, He--" I decide to play along
Dakota, Finding Herself
HumorDakota, is a native runaway. She ran away from her tribe, to see the world. The reason she ran away was because she didn't feel like she belonged. Dakota is very spirtual. Along her journey she meets someone who changes her life FOREVER.