Chapter 1: Edward

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Edward and his wife were married for a year before they had their daughter. It was a miracle that his wife survived the labour because of everything that was against her seeing as he husband was a vampire and she was just human. After giving birth to Carly, she felt and looked stronger than ever before and Carlisle thought it had something to do with the fact that she gave birth to a her half vampire daughter. The Cullen's all immediately fell in love with Carly from the first moment they saw her.

Edward, his wife and daughter lived a couple of miles away from the Cullen mansion. Edward would take Carly over to the mansion as often as possible and he home schooled her until she was old enough and more in control of herself to go to school. His wife didn't like staying at home and decided to find herself a job even though she didn't have to. She enjoyed being independent and that's what caused her untimely death.


It was raining like it so often did in Forks and Edward's wife was busy rushing home from work one evening when she had her accident. Alice didn't see the accident happening until it was already too late to do anything about it. The rain was coming down really hard and her car slipped off the road down a hill. When Edward finally got there it was too late and the paramedics had already announced her dead.

At first he blamed himself for not being fact enough to get to her in time and then he blamed Alice for not seeing it before it happened and he even went as far as accusing her of seeing it earlier but keeping it to herself because she wanted her to die. His family understood his hurt and let him be for a few days. When he finally snapped out of it, he apologised to Alice and she forgave him.


Ca: Daddy, when is mommy coming back?

E: Sweetheart, mommy isn't come back again.

Ca: Why? Doesn't she love us anymore? I promise to be good, daddy.

E: You are the sweetest little angel around sweetheart, mommy didn't leave because of you.

Ca: Then where is she, where is she going?

E: She's going to heaven, darling. She has decided that it would be best if she watched us from up there because she'll be able to see us all from up there.

Ca: But I won't get to see her then.

E: You'll always get to see her, dear. Your mother will always be in your heart and she'll always be there no matter what.

Ca: Really daddy?

E: Mm-hm, she's never going to leave you.

Edward watched as his five year old ran in search of her grandpa to tell her that her mommy is in her heart.

Es: How are you doing, son?

E: I'll be fine. I've lost people before.

Es: But she was your wife.

E: I've lost both my parents, Esme'.

Es: And you went off the rails and I just want to prevent that from happening again, son.

E: It won't, I promise. I have a family that I can turn to and a daughter to take care of.

Es: That's good and we'll always be there for the both of you, no matter what.

E: I'll remember that, thank you. (He smiled)


Funeral arrangements were made and they had the funeral and Edward decided on having a closed casket because he was told that she injured her face badly and he didn't want their daughter or family to have to see that. Carly stood there starring at the casket as it went down before turning to her father who was standing next to her and holding her hand.

Ca: Daddy?

E: Yes, sweetheart.

Ca: You said mommy was going to heaven didn't you.

E: I did.

Ca: Then why is she being put in the ground like that.

Edward picked Carly up and carried her over to the chairs that were put on one side.

E: Mommy has to go into the ground to keep her safe until the angels can come and get her. They'll come in the night while you're sleeping and help her out before taking her to heaven where she'll watch out for us.

Ca: Oh, okay.

E: Listen sweetheart, you're going home with grandma and grandpa now and I'll go pick you up tomorrow, okay.

Ca: But where are you going, daddy?

E: I'm going to stay here to make sure that the angels find your mommy.

Ca: Can I stay with you?

E: No sweetheart, you need to sleep and you know daddy doesn't have to so it's best if I stay here alone. I'll make sure that they're careful with her, okay.

Ca: Fine but watch out because it's scary at night.

E: Who told you that?

Ca: Uncle Emmy.

E: Uncle Emmy is crazy.

Ca: I'm going to go tell him that you said that. (She laughed before running off to go find Emmett)

Edward stayed behind after everyone left just starring at the grave without really moving at all. He sank to his knees at the grave after standing for about an hour.

E: Why? Why did you have to leave me especially after everything we've been through? Why?

Edward sat there for a couple of hours before getting up and running. He ran all the way to Seattle before stopping and just starring at the people from his place in a darkened alleyway. He remembered the conversation he had with Esme after a while of just standing there and decided to leave before he did something that he'd regret. He ran back to Forks but still didn't go back home. He ran all the way up into the mountains and started hunting. He only went after the large animals that he knew could put up a fight in order to get rid of his pent up rage.

Edward only made his way back home the following morning. He took Carly back to their house.

A month later and Edward was trying to cope with taking care of his daughter on his own, without the support of his wife. He was struggling and he started realising that he couldn't do it on his own anymore.

E: Carlisle, may I have a word please?

C: Sure, let's go to my office.


E: I'd like to move back, if that's possible. I thought that I could be able to cope with taking care of Carly on my own but I can't. I'm slowly going crazy, Carlisle and I don't want to do anything that could hurt her if and when I finally lose it.

C: Of course. We would all love to have you two back here and I know that everyone here will gladly help you with Carly.

E: Thank you, I really appreciate it.

C: That's what family is for. (He smiled giving Edward a hug)


One year later and Edward and Carly are still living in the Cullen house with the rest of the family and Edward feels like he has finally healed.

Now he takes daily walks and ends up at the border most of the time. 


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