Chapter 4: I'll Take Your Call

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Edward's POV

Edward wondered if he should call Jacob that same day but decided against it, opting to spend time with his daughter. Edward went about his day by helping his daughter with her school work.

Ca: Daddy?

E: Yes sweetheart.

Ca: Why don't we ever go anywhere like aunty Rosie and Alice?

E: Because you're still not in complete control of yourself honey and I don't want you to hurt someone.

Ca: But I won't hurt anyone. I don't hurt you or grandma or grandpa.

E: I know sweetheart but me and everyone here are like you but the people in Forks aren't.

Ca: But will I ever get to go out of here?

E: Definitely, don't worry.

Ca: Okay. Can we read now?

E: Absolutely.


A little while later Esme found Edward in the living room starring out of the large floor to ceiling windows.

Es: Edward?

E: Mm. (He said not looking away from the window)

Es: I think that you should really take her out to Forks so that she can slowly start getting use to other people because she needs to starts first grade next year.

E: I know but I'm just worried.

Es: We all are dear but she'll be fine as long as you're with her.

E: I'll think about it, promise.

Es: That's all i can ask for dear.


Edward thought that the best time to call Jacob again would be in the morning around the same time that they had met up and that was exactly what he did the following morning at five. He got a little worried when Jacob didn't answer but then remembered that he didn't carry his phone with him while he was phased so he took a chance and ventured to the border hoping to meet him there.

Edward got to the border but didn't see any sign of Jacob and after standing around for about ten minutes he decided to leave.

J: So now I'm not worth waiting for. That hurts man. (He said getting Edward's attention who had turned around)

E: Jacob, I didn't think that you were coming.

J: Sorry, I didn't hear your call.

E: It's okay, I assumed that you were on patrol.

J: No I wasn't. (He laughed) It was my night off and I was sleeping like most normal people do.

E: I don't even remember how that feels.

J: What... sleeping?

E: Mm-hm. Vampires, we don't sleep.

J: That's sad, I love sleeping. So what do you do when you're tired then?

E: We don't get tired, it's another perk of being a vampire.

J: You guys are weird.

E: It's just one of the abilities that make us such formidable creatures.

J: Formidable huh?

E: It means...

J: I know what it means. It doesn't mean that I don't know anything because I live on a Reservation you know, I did go to school.

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