Chapter 3: Border meet Up

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Jacob's POV

After weeks of trying to figure out why he kept going to the border Jacob finally gave up trying to figure it out. His dad and the pack also tried helping but to no avail. Paul and the others keep teasing him, saying that he might be waiting for his soul mate to walk by.

B: So, what's up with your daily excursions?

J: I don't know dad. There are a few times that it happens unconsciously but more times than not, I just do it myself. I walk to the border hoping to see or find out why I keep going there but there isn't ever anything or anyone.

B: There must be a reason why your wolf keeps taking you there.

J: But it's been over two months now, dad. Don't you think I should have found that reason out by now?

B: Everything important takes time, son. You just need to be patient, Jake.

J: I'm trying to be patient, dad.

B: Good, it'll pay off in the long run.

J: Well, I really hope it does.

Edward's POV

E: Carlisle, I need to talk to you.

C: Does it have anything to do with why you keep disappearing daily?

E: Yes, sort of.

C: Okay, I'm all ears.

E: Well, I started walking just to clear my head. I walk without a set destination in mind but I always end up at the border. And the strange thing about it is that I take a different route every single day but I somehow always end up at the border.

C: Well that is kind of strange.

E: I know and it's starting to drive me crazy because there isn't ever anyone or anything waiting for me there.

C: What do you do when you get there then?

E: I don't really know. Sometimes I walk along it trying to figure why I always end up there but most of the time I just sit there. It's a quiet place to sit and think or just get lost in my head.

C: Well that might be your answer right there then.

E: What?

C: Maybe your head's taking you there for that reason exactly. To think, be on your own. I guess it's a place where your guard can completely be down.

E: I guess that it might be then.


The following morning around five a.m. the border received more visitors than it ever had at one time.

Jacob was lying on a boulder on his side of the border starring up at the starts when Edward walked up. They both jumped when they saw the other.

E: Who are you?

J: Who are you?

E: I asked first.

J: Well I was here first, Spikey.

E: Spike? Really kid?

J: Kid? You look younger than me but you're calling me kid.

E: I'm much older than you'll ever imagine.

J: Sure but you still haven't told me who you are and what you're doing here.

E: I have been coming here every day for the last couple of months and I have never seen you here before, so maybe you should start talking and I'm not crazy.

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