Chapter 2: Jacob

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Jacob Ephraim Black is the great grandson of the great Ephraim Black and felt like he had large shoes to fill. Jacob grew up with his father only because he's sisters moved away as soon as they could, saying that they couldn't stay cooped up at LaPush like the rest of them. When Jacob's father Billy Black fell ill, Jacob took it upon himself to take care of his dad with the assistance of his entire Quileute family. Being Ephraim's great grandson, everyone had very high expectations of Jacob, one's that he didn't think that he could fulfill especially now that he phased for the first time.

S: What's bothering you, Jake?

J: I don't think I can do it, Sam. I'm not ready.

S: You've been a wolf for a month, Jake. Nobody expects you to be perfect at it.

J: Yes they do. The Elders were already asking me if I was prepared to take over the pack.

S: Well, you are the rightful Alpha of the Quileute Pack.

J: I know and I'm truly honoured but I don't want to be. I'm happy with being your co-second in command with Paul.

S: Jacob, are you saying what I think you're saying?

J: Mm-hm.

S: Jacob?

J: I don't want it, Sam. At least not now.

S: What about later on when you imprint and are ready to settle down and you want to be Alpha again?

J: Then I'll talk to you about it.

S: Does Billy know?

J: No, not yet. I wanted to talk to you first.

S: Okay, I accept but nothing is set until you talk to Billy.

J: I will, thank you Sam.

S: Alright, alright. Now go before you're late for patrol.

That evening after finishing up with patrol, Jacob ran home knowing that his father would be waiting for him with dinner.

B: Slow down before you run this house down boy. (He smiled from the porch)

Jacob walked around until the railings and stopped in front of them so that his dad could card his fingers through his fur. Jacob's wolf moaned as his dad played with his fur.

B: Go change and I'll go heat the food up for us.

Billy rolled back into the house while Jacob ran behind the house to phase back and change.

J: It smells nice in here, dad.

B: I made beef stew.

J: Mm, my favourite. Thanks dad.

B: It's my favourite too, you know right?

J: So what you're saying is that you made this for yourself instead of for me?

B: We'll never know now will we, now stop yapping and go get the plates.

Jacob tried his best to keep up with the cheerful conversation that he's dad was making but he couldn't and he was sure that his dad noticed.

B: Jacob, what's wrong?

J: There's something that I need to tell you.

B: Okay but how about before you do that you come sit here with me instead of starring out of the window.


J: I don't want to be the Alpha, dad. I'm not ready and it's not something that I'm really interested in doing.

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