Chapter 8: Family of Friends?

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When Carly, Edward and Jacob came outside they saw Seth and Jasper sitting and talking while the rest of the werewolves and vampires sat around watching Paul and Emmett arguing about when to turn the meat. Rosalie had enough and went over telling them that if they didn't quit their fighting that she would take over and both boys immediately opposed, opting rather to do it together in silence. Carly ran over to her grandparents leaving Edward and Jacob standing at the door.

E: Are you ready?

J: Not really.

E: But you have to do it and there's no time like the present.

J: I like procrastinating.

E: Not today. You can't postpone this any longer come on.

J: Do I have to?

E: Yes, now come on Jacob. (He said pulling Jacob towards his siblings)

Edward introduced Jacob to Alice, Jasper and finally Rosalie. Alice and Jasper both welcomed him but Rosalie gave him the evil eye before saying hi.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying each other's company. The werewolf and vampire "teens" all got along well and even went for a swim after the werewolves had their lunch. The parents were actually shocked at how well they got along but were happy nonetheless. At around five p.m. when the wolves had to go home they made plans for vampires to come explore the Reservation somewhere in the following week. Carly went around hugging all the werewolves including her grandpapa before they had to leave. The Cullen's stood and watched as the Quileute's got into their cars and drive away.

Jacob's POV

Billy, Sam and Jacob spoke to the Elders the following day about allowing the Cullen's onto their land for a visit. The Elders were a bit wary about allowing vampires onto their land but they all vouched for the Cullen's, giving the Elders their word that the Cullen's were not a danger to their people. The Elders finally relented saying that if anything were to go wrong that it would be on them.


~Phone Call~

J: Hi, Edward?

R: Nope.

J: Rosalie, is that you?

R: Let's give a point to Jacob for guessing correctly.

J: Thank you but I need to talk to Edward.

R: Aren't you tired of each other already? You have been spending almost every day with each other.

J: You've been with Emmett for decades so I don't think that you should be judging us at all now can I talk to Edward please?

R: He's busy right now.

J: It's important.

"Jacob could hear whispering coming from the other line before there was a sigh"

E: Sorry for that, you said that this was important.

J: Yup. The Elders agreed to allow you guys onto our land.

E: Really?

J: Yes but only on the condition that you all behave.

E: My family is very well behaved, thank you very much.

J: I know they are, I was more worried about you Dracula.

E: Oh shut up and really Dracula?

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