Meeting J-hope part 1

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Today you decided to go out for the day by yourself.

You got dressed in your best Outfit and you looked so bomb.

You did it for yourself, because you wanted to feel pretty.

Going places alone was normal for you, it meant you didn't have to wait for anybody or go in places you didn't want to so you were fine with it.

You walked over to the bus stop and put in your headphones (love is not over by bts)

The bus came and you took a seat and waited until your stop.

Once you got to your stop you were hungry and realized that you hadn't ate at all today.

You went to a small coffee shop that was nearby and ordered

"Hi, may I have a ice coffee and a blueberry muffin" you said to the clerk

"Of course, and what might your beautiful name be?" The cute clerk said as he handed you the blueberry muffin.

"Oh um.. It's Y/n"you said blushing and paying for your order.

"Alright Y/n we will call your name when your drink is ready" he winked at you after saying that which made you blush even more as you waited for your drink.

You could see the attractive man making your drink, he had brown hair, brown eyes and something about him made you want to never stop starring at him.

He glanced over once he noticed you were starring at him and smiled at you.

You quickly looked away pretending that you weren't starring in the first place.

When you looked over at him again you seen him writing on the cup.

Probably just your name.

"Drink for y/n, an ice coffee" he said looking at you while smirking.

You walked up to him to get your drink.

Once you got the drink you went and sat down at a table.

When you were eating the muffin and drinking the ice coffee you noticed some numbers on the   Side of the drink cup.

"Wait, is this his number! does he think I'm actually cute?!" You said to yourself

Slowly turning to look at the man and once you did he was leaning back against the counter and starring at you.

You realized that you were the only two that were in the coffee shop, no other workers or customers.

He walked out from the counter and came and sat across from you.

You sat in the chair looking at him.

"Hello, I'm hoseok" he said smiling at you.

"Hello hoseok " you smiled back

"Anyways I think you are really beautiful and I would love to take you on a date sometime, you don't have to give me an answer right now. I wrote my number on the cup so if you ever want to, you can always call me" as hoseok said that a customer walked in and he got up and walked back behind the counter.

"Did this really just happen?, that guy wants to go in a date!?" You had finished your drink and were no longer hungry so you got up and left the coffee shop.

Sorry I haven't written in awhile, school has been hard, BUT ANYWAY where should the smut happen, jhopes house? YOUR house, A FRICKEN MOVIE THEATER? Comment below 😉😉💞💞😘

Bts smuts (requests)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora