Min yoongi/the bus

820 25 1

You woke up to your alarm for work and started to get ready, the place you work is a clothing store so you can dress causal.

After you get ready for work you leave to catch your bus.

Waiting at the stop you remember seeing a new person on your schedule that you work with today.

It was a small shop that was near a mall so not many people ever came into the store.

It was rare that a guy was ever hired because it was a girl clothing store so not many guys applied at the store.

The bus pulled up to your stop and you stepped on.

The bus was packed and there was barely any room for you to fit on the bus so you had to stand at the very front by the door.

There was a very attractive guy that was standing directly behind you.

Since you were at the front of the bus you could see the mirror that the bus had by the driver and could see the mans face.

You could see that he was staring at your ass.

"Ew stop looking at that" you thought to yourself.

Just when you were thinking that the bus stopped and then stepped on the gas again so you fell backwards into the guy stepping on his foot and your ass went into his "area" (wink wink ;) you know what I'm sayin)

"I'm so sorry!" You said to him as you backed away from him.

"It's ok " the guy said smirking.

His voice was so deep and sexy.

the bus did the same thing and you fell backwards again but this time a hand around your waist caught you.

You looked down at the hand and turned around to its owner.

"Thanks.." You said blushing and he just nodded and put his hand back down to his side.

You just smiled and turned to the front so you were no longer looking at him.

Your stop was coming up to you went to go pull the stop cord on the bus but another person beat you to it.

The attractive guy was getting off at the same stop as you.

You thought "it's fine he is probably just going to the mall.. He isn't the new guy at work.. Right?"

The bus stopped and you got off and headed in the direction of the shop.

You got to the doors and seen your manager at the till through the glass doors and opened them.

She was probably here to train the new guy.

"Good morning " you said to your manager and smiled.

She smiled back at you.

After you entered the shop you heard someone come in behind you.

As you turned around it was the guy that was behind you on the bus.

"Hey um.. I'm yoongi" the guy said to your manager.

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