Chapter 1

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Okay so some of the things in this story don't happen in the actual television show of Girl Meets World. P.S. I you have not watched Girl meets Rileytown you need to watch before reading this other wise you will be very confuzled. Yes that's right I just said Confuzled. ~~~~


So Riley hasn't been in school for a few days because Mr. Matthews says she isn't feeling good, but she hasn't even responded to any of our texts. Farkle, Lucas, Zay and I have gone to her window to see her, but her windows were locker. Knowing huckleberry and Zay would be able to open the window without breaking the glass I asked them to at least try we really needed to see her. The go the window open and we crawled in. Lucas went first which wasn't surprising 'cause he really likes Riley. Her parents weren't home yet so we were good for a few hours. Lucas went over to find riley sleep but burning up with a fever. I took her temperature. She ended up being 101.3. I told Lucas to go get some ice so we could put it on her head. After a few hours we heard the front door open we ran to the window crawling out and closing it just before her mom walked in. Lucas didn't want to leave so he stayed until she woke up



I sat outside for a long time. The window finally opened at about 7:00 and I looked to see if she was the one to open the window. She was awake and getting a book to read.

"Hey Riley," I whisper yelled. She turned around. "is it alright if I come in?" I said. She shook her head. I stepped in. Riley looked like she was going to cry. We talked for a bit I told her how much I missed her and after about an hour and a half of talking I said by gave her a huge kissed her on the check and left through the window. As I was walking home I thought about how nice it was to actually talk to her. Maybe she will be back at school by Monday. She did say she was feeling almost 100% better. Maybe this weekend we could all go do something. and by "WE" I mean me, Farkle, Maya, Zay and I.
Hey guys so I hope u like the first chapter, sorry its so short I will try really hard to update at least once a week maybe twice a week depending on how much homework I get. Please Vote and comment to tell me what you think. If its going to be critical please. don't even bother commenting.

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