Chapter 8

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Lucas's POV
I can't believe Riley Matthews is my girlfriend. I know that made my day, I just hope it made her day too. All I can think about is going to sleep so I can see my beautiful angel tomorrow.

I tried to sleep all night but I just couldn't. I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't stop thinking about who was doing this to Riley. It was really bothering me, and I'm really trying to keep my temper down cause I don't want the same thing to happen. New York is going to be different it's not going to be like Texas.

I will not be Texas Lucas.

Finally, I fell asleep for a few hours. I woke up and got ready for school.

When I got ready to school, Charlie walked up to me and asked, "Hows your girlfriend?"

My head shot up in surprise. "How do you know about that?!"

"Dude why wouldn't she tells me?" I gave him a confused look. "Umm cause I'm her best friend." After he said that his friends all started laughing. I then knew something was up. 

I then shook my head and walked away. 

"Hey, there cowboy!" I chuckled and turned around knowing exactly who it was and who was with her. 

"Hey.... oh hey Maya."

"Ouch...... Why the glum face?" Maya asked.

"I just thought Riley would be with you... sorry didn't mean for it to sound rude."

"It cool, but no I thought she would've already been here by now. She said she'd meet me at school." Maya said. 

"Hmm, I hope she comes. I need to talk to her and ask her something."

"Oooooo why do you need to talk to her about?" Maya said.

"I wanna talk to her about Charlie." I said with a stern look on my face.

"Uhh ohh.  That can't be good. What did he do?" 

"I think he's bullying her." I said.

"Why do you think that? Charlie seems like a nice guy. Why would he bully Riley?"

"Well... I don't know if Riles told you but I asked her out last night and she said yes. She told one time that she didn't like Charlie, but somehow he knew that she and I are dating."

"Okay first, I did know. She told me after you left last night. Second, that makes total sense because once when he walked into one of her classes she ran out. Maybe he is... But I don't know."

"We should find ou..." I started, but Maya cut me off.

"Umm, I think I should ask first. I am her best friend. Why don't I go to her place after school, you, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle go to the cafe. I'll meet you guys there with Riley after I talk to her."

I nodded my head and the rest of the day went by in a blur. 

~at the cafe~

Zay, Farkle, Smackle and I were all at the cafe waiting.

After forty-five minutes Maya and Riley both walked on. Riley's eye were red and puffy. I could tell she had been crying hard and a lot. The first thing I did was stand up and give her a hug. 

We sat down and I put Riley on my lap so I could hold her. Shae started telling us about how Charlie started saying things and how it got worse. She started crying again and she stopped talking. That's when we realized that she had told us everything. 

"Riley Matthews are you really gonna let a jerk get to you?! I mean yes what he said and did was freaking screwed up but still. The Riley Matthews I knew wouldn't care what anyone says's about her! She would brush it off because she knew she was unique and was happy. So be you and stop worrying about what that Charlie dude thinks.He's just jealous because he can't be like you and because he can't have you. So do all of us a favor and ignore what he says. Be you and don't care about what other people say or think. Just be you!" I say and she smiles. 

Everyone agreed and said that if Riley was herself she would be happy and that she shouldn't worry about what other people think about her.

~~~Next day~~~

Riley's POV

Today I woke up feeling good and confident. I get ready for school, and I was feeling like my old self again. I check my phone to see a text from Lucas and Maya.

Lucas: Hey I can't wait to see you at school today and remember don't let him get to you. <3

Maya: Heyyy so you're going to school today! YAYYY! I missed my best friend. See you in a bit.


Charlie had stayed away from me all day. He only came up to me to say he was sorry for saying the things he said and for the things he did. He really meant every word he said too, I could tell. 

I'm glad Lucas told me that yesterday and I am glad that my friends all agreed and added on. 

I honestly don't know what I would do without them, and thanks to them I'm extremely happy.


Okay so that is the last chapter!! I hope you all enjoyed the book! I love you all for reading and voting and commenting.

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