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Raniya P.O. V

None of my friends knew what happened between me and Bruhaan.I started to smile often and Swathi gave me a weird look.Even I felt really weird.

I reached my home for a very sweet and shocking surprise.My brother,Safa came home for his hols.

Even though I was happy about his stay but I was deeply affected that I was unable to chat with Bruhaan under the watchful and overprotective eyes of my brother

We had our cute little moments in school with the help of our friends.It was kind of thrilling like some Bond movie.

At last the day came for my brother's departure.I was so damn excited about it.It's not like I don't like my fact I love him soooo much.There are so many advantages of having elder brother like no one can tease me except him...Even Ajmal kept his big mouth shut for ONE WHOLE WEEK.And lots more...

And the one and only disadvantage is he will kill me if he ever comes to know about Bruhaan.

I bid him my good bye before going to school because he will be leaving home after lunch.

School was usual with math,science,social,english and tamil.Generally I pay a lot of attention to the class but on that day I was dying to go home and chat with him.Chatting with him became my favourite hobby after all our love story started with Texts.

Soon evening came and the last bell rang.I excitedly wore my burqa and adjusted my shawl while looking out for him.But he was no where.

Generally we walk together till our school gates and then go separately.That walk till the gate gives us some quality time to spend with each other. To be frank I quite look forward for it but today he is nowhere.

I searched for him frantically among the crowd because I saw him in the morning.

Brain-"Maybe he got some extra class or cricket practice..."

Heart-"But I soooo wanted to tell him that I will text him today.."

Brain-"Why are you telling will be a surprise for him.."

Heart-" romantic..!!!"

Brain-"You are soooo pathetic...ugh.."

I chuckled at my thoughts and climbed my van.We chatted happily about random topics from latest cine gossips to latest fashion trends to subjects and lots more.

I bid them good bye and went  inside my home only to be welcomed by my beloved mom's death glare.

"What hap-"

She cut me in the middle of the sentence and spoke," you have any that why you are using my phone every now and then..?"

I froze on my spot.I had no idea how she came to know about it.

I managed my facial expressions and laughed nervously.I tried to deny but she stopped me from talking further.

"Raniya...Safa said that you are not being normal.He asked me to stay stern with you from now onwards.I will cut your hands into pieces if you touch my understood..?"

I gulped at my mother's threat and walked to my room.

I changed into my comfortable dress and started to study.But I was unable to concentrate on the notes.I was totally pissed and at one point I started to sob.I wiped my tears and went downstairs to kill some time.

My mom didn't even glance at me and it further made me moody.She worked in the kitchen when I decided to talk to her.


And she remained silent.

"Ma...please listen to me...please.."

My voice croacked due to my bottled up emotions.She turned around and nodded her head to continue.

"Ma...I'm not talking with any guy...please believe me...Who would talk to me...I mean..I mean...I'm not even that pretty...I don't have flawless fair skin..I'm dark with irregular complexion...I'm short much..." 

And I broke down.My mother hugged me tightly and whispered,"Shhh.... My baby is very beautiful..don't you dare insult my child ever again..."

I let all my insecurities and my botherings go.I felt like a child in my mom's embrace.I also felt immensely guilty about lying but I'm not ready to tell them about me and Bruhaan.

"No Ma...I'm not beautiful...which guy will like me???"

My mom brushed the hair from my tear stained face and spoke,"You know...Every girl deserves her own Prince Charming because she deserves it..and you my dear daughter you are no less than a Princess...and I promise you that we will definitely search for a Princess Charming..."And she kissed my forehead.

I smiled at her words and thought,"But Ma...but I already found my Prince Charming..."

We slowly changed the topic of our discussion and chatted happily.I sat by the counter and my mother resumed her cooking.Slowly my thoughts shifted to the man of my dreams..

The rest of the night I spent some quality time with my mother and my darling of a stupid brother,Ajmal.

Only when I was lying on my bed I realised that I stopped spending time with my family and that I always immerse myself either in books or in cell phone.

"Raniya...make sure you balance have an entire life time to spend with Bruhaan...but your time with your family is BALANCE..."

I sighed and the thought of spending my entire life time with Bruhaan made shy .I ducked myself in the duvet and drifted to the Land of Dreams.




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