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Zee's POV
It was all my fault. If I had not asked her she wouldn't have brought it. It was always me who screwed up things.

I dont know why I became so possessive about Raniya... I know she was just talking casually with her cousin, Irfan. Eventhough they maintained distance but it somewhat irked me.

Like always, I ignored her but Raniya being Raniya barged into my cricket practice and scared the shit out of me.
I was jumping with happiness when she hugged me tightly. I should say it the most sweetest surprise I ever had. Heavenly!!!

Rifay teased me during our journey back to home.

He said,"You know what Machaa... You are quite lucky to get a girl like her... She is quite fiesty and... Innocent too.. "

I smiled widely and was looking forward to text her.

I eagerly opened her message but my face ended up into huge scowl after reading her text.

It read:My bro came home.. Cant text often.. 😣

Without wasting any time I replied.

B-Cn v chat late @ nyt..??plsssssss

No reply

I thought,"She is probably busy with her brother.. "

Meanwhile, I finished all my assignments and got ready for my cricket practice.I saw my phone blink brightly and my face lit up seeing that it is a text from Raniya.

It read:Vl text whn I gt to bed.. Dnt rply Im busy..

I smiled and went out for my cricket practice.

Few hours later, when I got into my bed I saw a text from her saying she is free right now.

Since I was dead tired due to my heavy cricket practice I decided to call her.

She answered after few rings, "Hello...?"

Damn... I love her voice...its so so sweet and innocent.

I remained silent admiring her voice but she started to ramble.

"Hey.. Are you there... Hello..??Bruhaan are you angry at me... Tell me what did I do this time.. We apologised right... Hey.. Are you there...say something na...?? "

And that is where I dec8ded to play with her. Man she is sooo sweet.

"Say hmm if you are angry at me..? Are you? "

I smiled and did my hmm to which she sighed and replied,"So what should I do cool off your anger..?"

I smiled at my naughty brain and spoke,"Are you ready to do anything..? "


I smirked at myself and said,"I want a kiss.. "

"You want a.. WHAT?!?!?!"

I suppressed my laugh and replied,"Yes.. You heard me right... I want a kiss.."

She remained silent and I heard her breathing as if it is some music.

"Raniya.... "

"hmmm... "

"See... I don't want in person but through phone..."

"Through phone??? But how...? "

Im pretty sure she is frowning right now. I again smiled and continued,"Hold your phone's speaker close to your lips and then give it... "

She hesitated for few seconds but she slowly gave me her first kiss.

The sound made me grin widely like a fool and replied, "You know I love to spread kindness... Here is my kindness.. "

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