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Raniya's P.O.V

We started texting day and night as if there is no end.We slowly started to share our likes and dislikes and few of our likes and dislikes matched.We both liked black and red.He is intrested in creative designing and I love to admire them.I used to say him that he has a bright future in field of designing but he being humble always denies it.He is the fourth son and is the most spoilt brat in his family.He used to say that his parents treats their daughter in laws as if their own daughters.Hearing that my heart melted and it yearned to become a part of his family.

His favourite heroine is Genilia D'Souza and he even nick named his phone as 'Genelia'.I get very irritated when ever he talks about Genelia and it brings out my possessive attitude towards him.Sometimes he laughs at my possessiveness which further infuriates me.

B: You know I have a very small crush at my cousin Sameera  

I was genuinely shocked at his openness.And he occasionally texts about his cousin,Sameera.

B: Everyone in my home says if me and Sameera get married, we will make a good pair.. :P

I became so angry because girls are flocking around him like Swathi..Sameera and our school seniors.And that was time I started to talk about my cousin,Irfan.

R: U knw even I hav a cousin,Irfan who is very caring 2wards me and cares bttr than my family members...

R: He always gives his 1st preference to me and calls me,"My Raaaaniii"

B: ohhh..kayyyy :-/

B: Cn v tlk abt sumthng else?

I smirked victoriously for irritating him off  and after that incident we rarely spoke about our cousins.And I decided if he ever talks about Sameera, I will definitely use my secret weapon,IRFAN..!!!!

I was extremely glad to know that he too cares about me and is slightly possessive towards me.And that thought made my day.

Not that we are health conscious, but we both disliked oily foods.We both love to experiment different foods.Our talks were of sweet nothings.Occasionally Swathi used to come to my house and we text together.

Just like that she once came to my home one evening,we started to talk excitedly and she said all of a sudden,"You know me and Zee met in the theatre..."

I stared at her in shock and  yelled,"WHAT ?????????"

She smiled victoriously and continued her ranting,"Yeah...I went with my family and he came with his friends...I swear that we did not plan.......It was a pure co incidence.You know he was sitting right before me and he even bluetoothed his photo to me"

She showed his photo to me but I was in no mood to admire it.I was fuming with anger whereas she was bubbling with happiness...I immediately texted him as soon as she left.

R: Did u meet Swathi at the theatre????

B: Yeah we did.....but v dint talk with each other

R: But u had enough time to transfer photos????

B: Stupid I blutoothed d pic fr u only..infact I asked her to show d pic to u..

B: Hw was d pic??u likd it???

R: u were looking horrible

Eventhough I knew he was looking damn handsome but still I wanted to hurt his ego.And I smirked evilly when he replied,"Ohhh.." which indicated my success.

Later I did not text him much.I dont know why I was angry without any reason but that entire day I was totally mood off.

He texted me very often than the usual.

B: Wat u doin??

B: R u still angry at me???

B: Plz reply...plzzzzzzzzzzz

B: Fyn thn even I vl nt talk wid u...

I became even more angry at his last text.

R: Ok fyn...thn go n text Swathi or Sameera..!!! :(

I was about to send that text but I was interrupted by his another text which made me fall into fits of laughter

B: I'm sorry...I will always giv u my frst preference...thats a promise...Nw plzz rply me...its killing me deep inside...!!! 

I was deeply moved by his choice of words..I took some more time in replying him to show him how hurt I was..!!!


Sorry fo d short chap..!!!!!!!

In sha Allah d next chap will hold some surprise fo u...

plss......    RCV

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