Chapter 13

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With or Without You  has hit 10K reads! My sincere THANKS to you lovely readers and friends for checking this story out for that many times. Thanks for your precious votes and wonderful comments, they're my source of inspiration. Your votes and comments people, they make my day happier. THANK YOU! I love you all for the love you show for my works and me. (massive hugs)

Now, I'm going to take a little leap in this story and there will be a couple more leaps in the future. Don't worry, if you've read Book 2 (You've Got A Way) then the future leaps wouldn't matter, if you haven't - then not to worry as well, I'll give little descriptions that will join the dots. And the reason behind these leaps are, because I do not want to endlessly drag things, even if that means the story will end sooner than later. I hope this makes sense. Tell me your opinions. Let me know if you've any question, I'll try to answer them as soon as possible. Sometimes, I get late in replying those important questions unfortunately, please keep patience in those cases because real life consists of problems that are not easy to solve and I get caught up in them sometimes. :)


In this chapter, our leads will be back to New York. It's time to introduce you to the next track. 


"I'm sorry, Elli," Chris said, looking sympathetic, the emotion looked as fake as botox on his face. "The company doesn't needs you anymore."

Elli froze, standing before her boss Chris as the cruel a**hole made it his mission to shatter her career, and he wouldn't even have a solid reason of doing this she could tell with her eyes closed. It was just the mutual hatred they possessed for each other. "How come the 'company doesn't need me' out of the blue?" Her eyes narrowed.

Vindictive employers have a habit of putting all blames upon anything but themselves.

It seemed like Chris resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Then he managed to smile softly at her which was as pathetic as his character was. Trying to soften the blow was what he was doing, she figured.

"Well, I see, there's no easy way to make you understand," Chris sighed an said deadpan, "You're fired."

At that moment, Elli had an insane urge to place a solid kick into her boss's groin. But she controlled herself, for she could take her revenge later in a far more effective way. By making an anonymous call to Chris's wife and giving her blatant hints about Chris's recent extra marital affair with the company's money-bank client Carlton's third wife. Elli had a lingering second thought to blackmail Chris with the information and have herself 'un-fired', but then she figured that she was done working for this two timing scoundrel. She would rather save his unsuspecting, damsel wife on her way out.

Taking a revenge is not considered as an evil act if in the end of the day it is a good cause that is served.

The rest of the day had been a blur for Elli. Her colleagues said sad goodbyes, some even cried. But Elli on the other hand couldn't find herself to shed a tear, she was seething inside. And like an overly heated surface, all those tears at the back of her eyeballs evaporated. If her anger and sadness ever got into a race, it always had to be her anger that would win. Maybe it was her upbringing, or simply the way she was made. Hot rage bubbled up inside her whenever she saw the smug face of her boss, thought of the cruelty of the world and her fate that was spiraling downwards despite all her struggles to built it to a secured state. It was an inevitable process.

It was much later at night when she found herself end up at a random bar, nursing alcohol. Like always, trying to get herself drunk enough to forget all her problems. Not knowing that in the next few minutes, there was going to be another new problem added to all her numerous recent ones.

-- -- --

High with worry, it's been like this for Elli since the evening she walked out of the place she had worked so hard for, for so long. Added to it was the fact, the most disturbing fact that she missed Oliver. Sure he came over every once in a while to fight with her, raise an argument out of no where only to leave her into a lava erupting mess. But still she missed him, she missed him when she spied through the curtains of her window as he left with a hot date or brought them home. She missed him when he talked to nurse Lily over the phone about weird diseases she had never heard of. And she missed him enough that she found herself sitting in her balcony with a binocular, watching him sometimes, like a creep. And it was so wrong, she knew, but she just couldn't resist throwing a stone or two and breaking his windows whenever he pulled the curtains after a heavy make out session with one of his darlings. It made her cringe imagining him doing it like rabbits with someone right after.

And now, her head almost falling inside the toilet bowl, puking her guts out she thought how irritatingly miserable she had become.

The contents decorating the white bowl was now making her stomach churn again, the sight and the smell was that disgusting. She hated vomiting. She hated it with a passion.

Flushing away the ew-y contents and dropping the lid, Elli sat down heavily on the toilet seat. She clutched her spinning head in her hand and groaned. Since the last couple of days, she had been telling herself that it was just a stomach bug; or a flu or something. But deep inside, in her subconscious - she knew what was happening.

"Please, don't let it be - that." She pleaded to the almighty God, though already very much aware of the fact that He barely heeded to her pleas.

Therefore, grunting to the wall in front of her, Elli stood up, marched to the cabinet beside the sink and brought out the scary packet. She held it in her shaky hands for a long few moments. Heaving a sigh, she put on her big girl panties and do what she needed to do.

One hour later, Elli sat on the same toilet seat, angry and emotional tears pooling into her eyes. However, she was still stubborn enough to hold them back. Her hand clutched the object that defined a new phase of her life, the pregnancy test kit showing a nice - dark pink second line.

She faintly murmured to herself, "Congratulations, Elli!"

For she was now an unemployed and unmarried mother alongside being the destroyer of her boss's marriage as an act of revenge, and stupid enough to pathetically be in love with a moronic player - who finds no guilt in f***ing married women and straightaway refused to mend his ways despite her many attempts.

How had her life come to this point?

She focused on her heavy breathing, finding something travelling up the canal of her throat with a vicious force. And no, it wasn't a gush of bile again. It was a scream which she let out the next moment, as loud as she could.


Shock! Surprise! BOO!

What do you think? Who is the father of that surprise baby? Guess... guess. I'm not going to reveal it soon, it's necessary I keep it a secret from the world. So, hush!! Shhh!

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Take care. Lot's of love and massive, bear-hugs,

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