Chapter 8

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First of all, Happy belated Easter! (hugs) 

Thanks to all the lovely friends who've voted and commented, you guys really are the best. Keep it up. Also, thank you so much for making With or Without You, and other works of mine to show up on the hot list. I can't explain how loved and blessed I have been feeling because of you all. 

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Santa Claus.

He had called her Santa Claus! Elli looked at the mirror in her steamy bathroom. How did she resemble that old, fat guy who carried a sack full of gifts? Did she have white beard? Or had she ever yelled - ho ho ho?

Oliver was just so full of crazy shit. Elli decided leaning away from the now foggy mirror which no more showed reflection of her confusing self.

Whirling around, Elli again stepped under the shower head that she had abandoned midway of her shower to have another look at her face in the mirror.

This mushy sort of confusion remained within her since she had enjoyed the snow fall outside the hospital. And this confusion just happened to set fire into the funny feelings in her stomach along with those freaking galloping beats of her heart whenever she thought of him. Oh, and also, how can she forget about the dreams she's having. Yes, three days had passed, and Elli had found herself in a routine of having dreams every single night of that particular memory. Oliver and her in the night street standing under the open sky as the heavens poured upon them million tiny, soft flecks of freezing snow.

Something had changed that night.

That Elli was sure of. But she couldn't for the love of God point on what exactly that change was.

The moment Elli came out of the bathroom and reached for her favorite pajamas kept on the bed, her phone started ringing.

"Now who is it at this hour?" Murmuring to herself Elli picked her phone up that was thrown carelessly earlier beside the pajamas.


The name brought a smile to her lips. Putting the phone on loudspeaker she kept it back on the bed while fishing for her pajamas.

"I know, I know, you want to yell at me because I'm still not on my way to Boston. But Emma," Before giving Emma a chance to speak, Elli began blabbering, it was better this way, because the other way was to get scolded at by her best friend. "you know the condition that Shavanah is in."

Emma's sigh could be heard through the loud speaker. To Elli, it strangely felt like that Emma was right here in person, and they were talking like they used to in the past, for hours. She never thought she would find such a nice friend in her land lady, but life was just full of unexpected turns. And Elli loved all those unexpectedness.

"I know, Elli." Emma said in a understanding tone. "But you told me yourself that Shavanah's sister has come to stay with her until she got well. And also, wasn't she supposed to get discharged already like I was told?"

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