In New York - cute - Dana♡

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In New York
Imagine for Dana

Walking the streets of cold, and windy Brooklyn, the loud honks from cars and chattering people filled my ears as I passed a couple of business men, talking on and on about who was going to get the next promotion.

The wind seemed to have a mind of its own, whenever it swished through my hair. Even though I loved the cool breeze, it wasn't very pleasing when it messed up my hair which took me a long time to straighten.

I was currently headed to the small cafe at the corner of the avenue to grab a coffee before I headed to my aunt's house. She asked me to visit her if I could, since we haven't seen each other in at least a year or two. I didn't mind though, since I had only been in New York for about three days, and I didn't really know the streets that well, except the one I was currently on. Every time I visited my aunt, we would walk down this street and talk about how someday, I would be living in the beautiful city they called Brooklyn, New York. I admit, I love this city, but my home in California was much more comforting. There weren't cars driving around every second of the day, constantly honking and trying to get out of traffic. There weren't so many businessmen/women in California either. Everyone was laid back and they weren't all in a rush to get somewhere, whereas in New York, everyone seemed to have a tight schedule that caused them to be rude and bump into you while they fast-walked down the sidewalks.

The light ding of the bell when I opened the cafe door rung, indicating there was a new customer. Not many people were in here, considering it was 6 in the afternoon and most people were stuck in traffic or at home, enjoying a homemade meal or some takeout.

The few people that were in here though, seemed to be around my age, besides maybe one or two elders. There were the typical vintage styled girls who wore high waisted shorts, flowy tank tops, a black or beige cardigan, and loafers/oxfords. Their hair were in top knots and braids and they wore their sunglasses on the tip of their nose.

A group of guys sitting in the corner booth, next to the window, looked to be in a deep conversation about music and skateboarding. There were about five of them, all dressed nicely, for a guy. Some had sweatpants and a t-shirt, while the others wore dark jeans and tank tops. Three of them were wearing snapbacks, while one was wearing a grey beanie.

Then there was another boy. He was sitting alone in a booth, guitar in hand, and he was writing what I assumed were song lyrics in a notebook. He looked very concentrated and didn't seem to notice anyone around him. His light, brown hair was tousled and he had on a white t-shirt, with black sweatpants.

I made my way to the counter, the lady taking orders smiling as I placed my order. She handed me the drink after I had paid and I went over to sit in a booth. Pulling out my phone, I looked at the address my aunt had given me and checked if I was heading in the right direction. Walking one and a half miles can be tiring, especially when it's cold outside. After setting my phone on the table, I took a few sips of coffee as my eyes wandered over to the boy with the guitar. To my surprise, he was already looking at me, pencil still in hand but he wasn't writing anything.

I blushed a bit and looked down, a small smile curving on my lips.

"Hi." A voice interrupted me.

I looked up to see the boy with the guitar, standing in front of me. He slid himself into the seat across from me, his hazel eyes gleaming towards me.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"I'm Austin." He held out his hand which I slowly took.

"Dana." I replied, bringing my hand back around the cup of coffee.

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